United Church of God


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Total results: 46537.
by Mark Smith
Murfreesboro, TN
Seven points are expounded on in this message that can help us in relating to children in our lives, whether we are parents or grandparents.
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
In this sermon Mr. Smith continues his sermon series on the principles of biblical child rearing. He first points out that God does not give us a long detailed list of rules on child rearing. But he points out that there are several...
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
In this first of a 5 part series, Mr. Fahey discusses the importance of unity at the top to successful child-rearing.
Beyond Today
by Jean Jantzen
As with any relationship, the place to begin in rearing children is to lay a good, strong foundation. Part 1 of this 3-part series deals with the fundamental key of teaching the three R’s—respect, responsibility and restraint—from an early...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Mario Seiglie
A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
Please join us for this great message on child rearing and so much more.
by David Holladay
Seattle, WA
No one loves the topic of child rearing, in fact it can step on many toes and cause big emotional reactions. But are we bringing our children up to thrive and succeed in both God's way of life and in this world with others? It seems we...
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
Discover the second key of child-rearing, to understand and accept the responsibility of being a parent.
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
In the final installment of this series, tie it all together with some practical tips to help in child-rearing.
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
One of the core teachings our children must learn is responsibility. It is a key part of their emotional growth and maturity to be able to make decisions on their own and then accept the consequences, whether good or bad.
Sermon Series
Discover the fundamental keys to biblical child-rearing. 
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
One aspect of child-rearing that is critical to understand is the influence of the spirit in man. Understanding this can help quite a bit when dealing with children as they grow older.
Beyond Today
by Robert (Bob) Fenwick
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials” (James 1:2). When you have a trial in your life, is it a joyful occasion? Are you happy when things are not going well in your life?
Good News
by Mario Seiglie
A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.
by Mark Kasperson
Hartford, CT
God gives us a way to teach our children to do good and overcome issues of the world, and as a result, there will be great lessons in store for them. A parent’s goal is to emulate our loving Shepherd and run a disciplined and fair family...
by Mike Iiams
Kennewick, WA
Parenting has many moments of great joy which can easily be replaced with frustration. In an effort to make the child rearing less stressful, this sermon examines some child rearing principles for people of all ages. We are God’s...
by Roy Holladay
Rome, GA
Mr. Holladay gives some helpful principles for raising Godly children in this sermon.  
by Jim Tuck
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Child rearing is a parent's responsibility that carries far and wide rewards or consequences.
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
Once you understand how the spirit in man affects the human behavior, then you must begin teaching your children how to transform from being disciplined by their parents to being self-disciplined adults.
