United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 1295.
United News
Bill Bradford
On the first Holy Day our attendance was 297.
Cooler than normal weather prevailed throughout the Feast, but did not stop the swimming and surfing. The gorgeous beaches themselves provided great recreation, and some took early morning fishing trips. Migrating whales also put on a...
Joel Meeker
The Ventura Hotel in the village of Grand Bay on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius will be a Festival site this year.
The Ventura Hotel in the village of Grand Bay on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius will be a Festival site this year. The site was announced after the March/April United News was printed. Festival activities will include...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Jim Tuck
Feast Site Region: 
United States
The city of Lahaina situated on the beautiful island of Maui will serve as the Hawaiian Feast site this year. Services will take place at the elegant Maui Theater—a modern, comfortable auditorium with adequate seating. Maui offers many...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Jim Tuck
Feast Site Region: 
United States
The Garden Isle will host the Feast in Hawaii this year. Services will take place at the Performing Arts Center on the campus of Kauai Community College. The facility is a modern, comfortable auditorium with plenty of seating. Kauai...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Jim Tuck
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Beautiful Lahaina, Maui, will once again house the Hawaiian Feast of Tabernacles. Services will be held at the elegant Maui Theatre, a modern, comfortable, air-conditioned auditorium that seats up to 700 people. There will be many...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Jim Tuck
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Beautiful Lahaina, located on the island of Maui, will again be the Hawaiian Feast site. Services will take place at the elegant Maui Theatre, a modern, comfortable, air-conditioned auditorium with plenty of seating. There will be many...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Mario Seiglie
Feast Site Region: 
Latin America
After a wonderful Feast last year in the beautiful and peaceful seaside resort of Pichilemu, Chile, we plan to hold the Feast in the same place this year. Pichilemu is a seaside resort located in the south-central coast of Chile and is...
Vertical Thought
by Dave Archer
Sometimes you have to choose between the Sabbath and other activities. Choose wisely.
United News
Victor Kubik
The UCG home office received an e-mail from a Baptist pastor in Latvia (one of the Baltic Republics) who told us that he has been studying our literature. He learned about us through his wife who had been surfing the Internet.
The e-mail in part read: "Several months ago my wife on I-net found your site and made order of some literature. Since we got first parcel from you, many things, good things, have happened and changed in our life, and in...
Jean Updegraff
Recently I began surfing through our UCG Web site and was absolutely amazed at what treasures it offers!
Recently I began surfing through our UCG Web site and was absolutely amazed at what treasures it offers! Let me share what I found sleuthing through our ucg.org Web site. Do you realize that our publications are available online?...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
We're currently crisis surfing, moving from one crisis to another. In light of these times we need to focus on developing the character trait of resilience; God and Jesus Christ can help.
Vertical Thought
by Sean Yarbrough
Although the thrill of the moment may seem attractive at the time, it's not worth the pain and suffering that may result.
by Peter Eddington
Colorado Springs, CO
What is the significance of the fish story in John chapter 21? The exact number of 153 fish is used for an illustrative purpose. What can we learn from this story?
by David Evans
Indianapolis, IN
When was the last time you went fishing? We will explore Mark 1:17 and what it means to become “Fishers of Men.”
Tom Damour

Welcome to the United Church of God We welcome anyone who desires to learn more about God and His way of life. Please feel free to surf this site to get to know us better. All our literature is free of charge and nobody will call on you unless you request it. We observe the seventh-day Sabbath and God's Holy Days as revealed in the Bible. The mission of the Church is to preach the gospel of...

by Frank Fish
Seattle, WA
The message of Matthew 16:13-19 has Christ presenting us with spiritual truth that the gates of hell are no match for the Call of God through Jesus Christ.
by Frank Fish
Phoenix East, AZ
In this message we will look at how we can See God, Choose God, and Live for God.
