United Church of God


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Total results: 3151.
by David Horvath
Nashville, TN
Astronauts describe the profound change that occurred for them the first time they saw the earth from orbit. Our perspective can and should be even higher—seeing the planet, humanity and history from the point of view of God's eternal...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
It may seem like a small thing but it can be life changing.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Marines live and die by their creed, "No man left behind." How can we apply this Biblical principle to simpler acts of life?
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Advancements in technology are making way for space travel for those willing to pay the high price. But did you know the Bible gives assurance that space travel will one day be very common?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Victor Kubik
People want to live forever. Many scientists say that artificial immortality may soon be possible—but at a great cost to all. Are you ready?
by Jerry Burnhauser
Lehigh Valley, PA
When the astronauts got far enough away from Earth to look back and see our planet "hanging in the void" they were profoundly affected from that experience. It became known as the "Overview Effect". We Christians need to experience an "...
Beyond Today Magazine

Fifty years ago this month U.S. astronauts left the shining blue ball of earth and walked on the moon for the first time. Throughout the world people stopped and watched transfixed as human beings did something only dreamed about for centuries.

by Darris McNeely
We have a responsibility to our fellow man. We must not leave anyone behind.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Why is Earth inhabitable and what lies ahead for our unique planet?
World News and Prophecy
by John Ross Schroeder
From Sept. 11, 2001, until now and unfortunately on into the foreseeable future, we have lived and are living in a different world-too often blighted by the specter of fear. How does our Creator advise us to respond to the fears within us...
by Don Hooser
The space race has brought great advancements in scientific understanding. The world enjoys innumerable inventions as spin-offs of space age technology, but the costs have been incredibly high.
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
Eternity is in our hearts. What does that mean for everyday living? Understand God, yourself and God's plan for you.
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
by United Church of God
Is it possible that the Bible so influenced the people of Britain and the United States because this book is their history book?
United News
by David Palmer
As Passover approaches, we are reminded of the ultimate and loving sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us. We must also, however, remember our part in the plan of salvation—choosing to obey God.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A successful journey requires a true course to arrive. Sometimes we have to make course corrections. Use the Word of God to make that correction.
