United Church of God


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Total results: 32873.
by Ted Budge
Chewelah, WA
Servant leadership stands in sharp contrast to the authoritarian leadership practiced by many. Christ was and is a servant leader. As disciples of His, we should be developing the characteristics of servant leaders as well. Servant leaders...
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
What makes a good leader? Is it charisma? Maybe it's management skills. Find out.
by Denny Luker
Cincinnati East, OH
Do you consider yourself a servant leader? Let's take a look at what God's word says, and show you from the word of God that through the power of His Spirit, every single member of God's church - men, women, and children - all have been...
Beyond Today Daily
by Scott Ashley
In the age of the Roman Empire, the emperor was the undisputed ruler. Does it matter who we allow to rule our lives today?
by Tom Charles
Lewistown, PA
We are supposed to be servants. We can learn a lot from the story of Abraham's servant who went to find a wife for Isaac about being a servant. Christ gave the instruction to His Apostles that if you want to be a leader .... be a servant....
by George A. Rusnak
North Canton, OH
Are we a true servant leader? What should a servant leader do? What shouldn't they do? What are the necessary ingredients to be a true servant leader?
by Mark Welch
East Texas
Joshua was a man of humility, courage, prayer and faith in God. As an assistant to Moses and as leader of Israel’s army, Joshua submitted to authority and remained humble. Like Joshua, we must first learn to be good followers who trust and...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
This week marks the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the throne of England. She has set a marvelous example of service.
by Les Booth
Indianapolis, IN
Today we are in The Development Gap (TDG). TDG is literally, the time between our baptism and the return of Jesus Christ to earth. It is the time we have to prepare for our Spiritual Profession of Tomorrow. We are preparing NOW, for...
by David Mills
Columbus, GA
In the Kingdom of God, we will be kings, priests, and judges with Jesus Christ.
by Rod Foster
San Antonio, TX
God expects us to be a certain way to be one of His leaders. God wants something different from us than we might expect. It is about the heart. What kind of heart should one of God’s leaders have? In this sermon Mr. Foster helps us...
by John Massie
Lewistown, PA
Are we supposed to be servants? The Bible says we will be kings and priests. Paul was a leader but refers to himself as a bond servant. So what is our role as a servant?
by Shawn Cortelyou
Elkhart, IN
Whom do we serve? God's Word has many examples of servants. Joshua is one of those servants that is recorded for us. What does it mean to be a servant? How does a servant live? Each one of us is to be a servant so each one of us must...
by Mark Kasperson
Hartford, CT
Christ shows us his vision of Servant Leadership through His own example. It will change the world for eternity. Don't we want to be part of that? What does He want us to do and how do we practice it?
by Ed Dowd
Phoenix East, AZ
There are good and bad leaders who influence those under them. As leaders what should we be seeking and how can we accomplish our goal?
by Chuck Zimmerman
Tampa, FL
How did Paul look at the authority he was given?  Paul saw his role to be a father, mother, nurse, educator and encourager to the churches.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Did Christ instruct His Church to "make leaders" or to "make disciples"?
by Robert Curry
Colorado Springs, CO
The Feast of Trumpets this Thursday pictures the installation of new leaders to rule the world.  They will be characterized by a new way of thinking.  What does it mean to be a Christ-centered servant leader?
by Aaron Dean
Denver, CO
The world we live in is a training ground for us. In our training do we hear the voice of the King? We are all called to become more like Christ, a leader just as Christ became Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Christ came to show us the...
