United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3687.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
God tells us that in everything we do, we should avoid this at all costs.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
The Bible gives some simple advice on how to change your perspective: focus on the positive, and stop complaining. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What is the most annoying sound? Are you guilty of it?
by Robin Webber
Las Vegas, NV
Human nature left to itself can be very critical of others. Scripture is full of examples for us to consider and contemplate. This message offers ***3 life changing keys as to how we can move from being a negative complainer to an...
by Mark Smith
Murfreesboro, TN
Examples in the bible where people complained and how God reacted.
by Steve Corley
Houston, TX
In this split sermon visiting speaker Steve Corley looks at the subject of complaining. He shows various Bible examples of people who complained when they did not like the way things were going and some of the consequences their actions...
by Stan Martin
Dallas, TX
Have you ever asked yourself why do we complain so much? Have you ever tried to count the number of times you complain in one day? If you are like me and tend to complain a bit too much at times, then this sermon hopefully will help you be...
by Stan Martin
Tampa, FL
Have you ever asked yourself why do we complain so much? Have you ever tried to count how many times a day you do complain? Complaining can become a way of life if we are not careful and If you find that your complaints out number how...
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
A heart of ingratitude will cause divisions. A heart of gratitude will help us in life. Discover the attributes of gratitude and ingratitude.
by Scott Moss
Denver, CO
What does the Bible say about murmuring or complaining? It's bad for our physical and spiritual health. How can we replace complaining with more positive actions? In this message we examine seven godly principles and practical steps we can...
by Jeffrey Herrera
New Jersey - North
Examining Numbers 11 in depth to glean spiritual lessons for Christians today. We all fall short and are tempted to complain at times. We should keep in mind, however, that complaining effects and reflects on our spiritual growth and...
by Kathy Sanny
The Israelites complained about the miraculous bread of life they were given in the wilderness (manna). That story has powerful implications for our attitude today.
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
The Bible has a lot to say about whining. This sermon focuses on asking God to help us to see ourselves as we are so that we can think His thoughts. We can think His way. Focus on the positive. Take action, and realize whining's not gonna...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
Despite being supernaturally given freedom from the slavery of Egypt, the people of Israel continually complained, grumbled and murmured against God and Moses. It's a behavior that God's people today must avoid. On the Last Day of...
by Mark Graham
Cleveland, OH
God not only desires to have a personal relationship with us, but He also wants us to keep it personal with each other. We do this by sharing our lives together. This means learning to relate to one another without complaining or harsh...
Beyond Today
by Tina Cason
Are we trying daily to live up to God’s expectations of us or do we find ourselves settling for something less?
United News
by Robert H Berendt
Complaining kills contentment, and the Bible has a lot to say about both.
by Robin Webber
Los Angeles, CA
How does a disciple of Jesus Christ follow His statement to be a light to others by how we express ourselves regarding life's challenges with those closest to us? This practical Christianity #101 message offers biblical examples and steps...
by Steven Shafer
Ann Arbor, MI
To show the meaning of the Day of Thanksgiving by contrasting the attitudes...
