United Church of God


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Total results: 25011.
by Dan Preston
Charlotte, NC
The Fall Holy Days are just a few weeks away. In this message, we will review the meanings behind each of the upcoming Holy Days, so we may more fully enjoy and celebrate them.
by Bart Bornhorst
Lehigh Valley, PA
Life is very busy and God's Fall Holy Days are almost upon us! In the message today, we'll see the importance of our spiritual preparation when it comes to keeping God's Fall Feast Days.
by Rudy Rangel III, Jamie Schreiber, Esther Magee, Jonathan Magee, Jelly, Mark Graham
After spending two weeks with family, Jelly's cousin Chips is heading home to London—but not before a little song and dance! Join Jelly and his friends as they learn about God's Feast Days.
Family Study Guides

The biblical festivals and the Holy Days within them fall during three seasons of the year—the early spring harvest, the late spring harvest and the late summer to early autumn harvest in the land of biblical Israel. These seasons and themes portray God’s p

Beyond Today
by Anthony Wasilkoff
God set up a financial system that allows us to have maximum enjoyment while keeping His annual Feast of Tabernacles.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What spiritual lesson can we draw from the process of hypothermia?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
A class assignment from an 11-year-old brings a fresh look at obeying God.
by Dave Hemsley
Dayton, OH
As we approach the Fall Holy Days, we should be preparing to be at God's Holy Days in the right way.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Find out how God wants us to keep His sanctified days on today's episode of BT Daily.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Can the "kingdoms of this world" be salvaged by Christ, or will they end with the Kingdom of God?
Sabbath Services
by Steve Myers, Duane Phelps
Due to technical difficulties there is not an archived video of the Holy Day service.
by Ron Barker
Dayton, OH
We need to be sure we are preparing mentally, physically, and spiritually for the upcoming Feast Days.
by Ron Barker
Dayton, OH
Every year, we keep the Fall Holy Days. We should prepare for the Fall Holy Days, and not just let them come and go. These are days set aside for a very special purpose, and they tell the plan that God has for mankind.
by Andy Lee
Cleveland, OH
The purpose of this message is to view the fall Holy Days from a broad perspective. We will not dig deep into the detail of each of the fall Holy Days, but to take a step back... and see what are the major themes or lessons that we should...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
One of God's fall Holy Days is called the Day of Atonement. What does this day picture?
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Bart Bornhorst combines the Godly trait of “being prepared” with placing the Fall Holy Days first, by detailing several areas and ways in which we can set priorities in preparing for these upcoming Feasts.
by Tim Pebworth
Seattle, WA
Citing a recent Ted Talk by Janette Winterson on how humanity's only hope is to merge with artificial intelligence, Tim Pebworth argues that it is not artificial intelligence but rather a higher intelligence to which we must become one....
by Eric Myers
Murfreesboro, TN
An overview of the Fall Holy Days and their meaning for God's people.
Sabbath Services
by United Church of God
United Church of God - Holy Day services - Feast of Pentecost  Due to meeting at another location a webcast will not be provided. Please view a listing of other congregations offering a webcast at https://www.ucg.org/webcast/...
