United Church of God


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Total results: 4151.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Gentle Teacher - Did you ever have a harsh teacher? It made it hard to learn didn't it?
Family Study Guides

In this Family Guide we define gentleness as submission to God and a calmness of spirit and mildness of temper when dealing with others. We learn the importance of treating everything and everyone we meet with gentleness even in challenging circumstances. W

by Jon Davies
Atlanta, GA
In this age, the personal quality of gentleness is becoming increasingly rare. But what does God expect of His people? Jon Davies, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses gentleness, an attribute of God's very...
by Rudy Rangel III, Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter, Chaz Leathers, Jonathan Magee, Jelly
Jelly's hands are full training his new puppy.  Meanwhile, Mr. Jonathan is in a very important meeting at the toaster company. Join Jelly and his friends as they learn about the fruit of the Spirit.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
The Fruit of the Spirit labeled kindness is much more than just you or me making people feel good. It’s a spirit-quality exhibited by a son or daughter of God. It’s much more than just buying a cup of Starbucks coffee for a stranger. What...
by Frank McCrady
East Texas
Over the years we have heard many messages on the topics of Galatians 5. There have been messages on Love, Joy, Peace, and Longsuffering (Patience). But in this message, we will be digging deeper into the meaning of Gentleness and why it...
by James Ginn
Jacksonville, FL
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit can be observed in Christians that strive to follow God's way of life. Some Fruits can have a more significant meaning when applied to different aspects of our life.
Vertical Thought Webcast
by Randy Stiver
How do you find your one true love?  How do you identify the soul mate that God has prepared for you? True love may seem elusive, improbable or just a blind hope—but it can be found!  Join us Friday night at 8:00 Eastern...
by Frank McCrady
Lawton, OK
One of the qualities God wants us to develop in our lives. Pro 15:1  A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Running a race is a common metaphor in the Bible for our Christian journey.
by Kathy Sanny
Do you respect your husband? Women, we are required to cultivate a gentle and quiet spirit, toward our husbands especially!
by Brian Shaw
Twin Cities, MN
Those who have experienced the kindness and love of God will emulate His gentle, peaceable and humble nature.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Jesus Christ wants to share our burdens. Like two oxen working together we can lighten our load.
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
How are God the Father and Christ gentle? What are the characteristics of gentleness? Stay tuned and find out
by Frank McCrady
Cincinnati East, OH
Gentleness is one of the fruits of the Spirit. It is a characteristic that God says we, as His people, must possess. Not just possess—we must demonstrate. It’s one that we are to allow others to see and witness in our lives. It’s a very...
by Randy Schreiber
Albuquerque, NM
Jesus said, “learn from me, for I am gentle and humble.” We are also told in Philippians 4:5 to “Let your gentleness be known to all…” This sermon will discuss how we can develop this important Christ-like character trait.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Frank McCrady
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Nestled amid gently rolling peaks, Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg serve as the gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. You can relax in a peaceful, safe environment of natural splendor. The Feast occurs at the most...
by Leroy Cole
Lehigh Valley, PA
Paul in his listing of the fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5 gives gentleness as the fifth of the fruits. Just what is gentleness? How does it differ from such terms as meekness, mildness and humility? There certainly is a lot of overlap,...
