United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 8581.
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
With God’s great help we can perform rationally and calmly in anxious situations and win every battle against fear and anxiety.
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Is terror appropriate for a Christian? Is fear appropriate for a Christian?
by Russ DeVilbiss
Milwaukee, WI
What the scriptures say about a healthy fear of God.
by John LaBissoniere
Fear—that raw emotion of dread, terror, fright or panic—can be pervasive. If uncontrolled, fear can drown out reason, facts and faith. Can it be defeated?
Beyond Today
by Hector Earle
We live in an age of fear, but God promises relief from worry and despair for those who follow Him.
by Don Hooser
Dallas, TX
The specific command, "Do not fear," appears 51 times in the Bible! Irrational fears, exacerbated by Satan, are increasing! Of course, we need healthy fears. If a person had no fear, he would never need courage. Knowing God's plan and...
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
Healthy fear protects us from harm, but irrational fear is the enemy of faith and will keep us out of the Kingdom of God. God is looking for those who will walk by faith, putting Him first.
by Michael Arritt
Roanoke, VA
Are the feelings of fear and terror appropriate for Christians? What is the difference between healthy human fear verses unhealthy human fear?
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
Most people yearn for the deep inner peace and contentment that they see in those who have learned to walk through life with confidence, happiness and enthusiasm.
by Jim Moody
Northwest Arkansas
Deuteronomy 14 shows that one of the reasons why we’re told to go to the feast is so that we can learn to fear the Lord our God. Having a right and healthy fear of God is a vital part of the spiritual battle we face in our lives. Godly...
by Russ DeVilbiss
Beloit, WI
How do we develop a healthy fear of God?
Good News
by Noel Hornor
Feeling anxious and depressed? With the world and the economy in such bad shape, it's no wonder such feelings are common. What can you do to combat these negative ways of thinking? Use these five keys to help!
by Ken Thomson
San Antonio, TX
Through the life of Solomon we learn that man's ultimate duty and purpose in life is to learn to Fear God. This series of sermons has covered the basic reason for having the proper fear “towards” God. God does not want us to "live in...
by Ken Thomson
San Antonio, TX
Through the life of Solomon we learn that man's ultimate duty and purpose in life is to learn to Fear God. The concept of Fear however can take on many negative connotations. God does not want us to "live in fear of Him" but wants us to...
by Ben Light
Unchecked fear and anxiety can lead us down a dark path. But it doesn't have to be this way. A relationship with your Creator can help you deal with stress in a healthy way.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Proverbs shows that we must remove ourselves from toxic environments or relationships.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty, Larry Greider, Andy Burnett
In a world of intellectual "junk food," how can you help your children become mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy?
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Fear of death is like prison, the walls and bars are made of ignorance, misunderstanding, and deception. God's truth is what will set you free. God’s truth ALSO serves to move us on a path: from and unnecessary fear of death, to a...
