United Church of God


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Total results: 19847.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
Our children see the relationship we have with our own parents, and it is vital to them. But, what if our relationship with our parents is less than ideal?
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
How can we even begin to teach our children to honor their parents? The first episode of this five-part series will show you how it all starts. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
What importance do elders play in teaching our children honor? Find out in the final episode of this five-part series.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
The way we treat our spouse has a lasting effect; but not always in the way you would suspect.
by Micah Gunn
If the words dysfunction or abuse define your relationship with your parents, this video is for you. God's Fifth Commandment to honor your father and mother can be a challenge even if your relationship with your parents is a healthy one,...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Bible shows us one of the main ways we can lead peaceful and productive lives.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
Punishment is as important as it is misunderstood. Find the truth to discipline in this episode of BT Daily.
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
It's sometimes hard to be certain of exactly what is expected in fulfilling God’s fifth commandment. We’re going to look at what is expected under ideal circumstances and why. Also, we’ll look at what might be expected under less than...
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Gary Petty
This is the fifth part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: The Ten Commandments. Exactly what does it mean to honor parents? How can parents teach their children to honor them? In this Beyond Today Bible study we'll...
United News
by Don Hooser
“Honor your father and mother… that it may be well with you.” God said it and meant it so it has to mean very good things! God blesses those who obey His Ten Commandments and God gives special blessings to those who faithfully obey the...
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
Do you know how to honor your parents? Did you know that there is a blessing tied to this particular commandment? God promises a better life and positive benefit by honoring our parents and the teachings of the Lord.
by Tim Pebworth
Petaluma, CA
Why would God need to command us to honor our parents, isn’t it natural and intuitive? In this sermon, Tim Pebworth shares how the original Hebrew defines honor and then discusses three ways that we honor our parents: through obeying them...
Good News
by Janet Treadway
A tragic court case brings home the ugly reality of some dysfunctional family relationships. What is God's solution?
Compass Check
by Dan Preston
Your parents probably taught you to pray, and there’s no doubt they pray for you. But have you ever thought about praying for your parents?
