United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 18377.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
What is doctrine and how should Christians apply it to their lives?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
There is a modern application of the blessings of Abraham. Political happenings of today can be better understood through this historical lens.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Gary Antion
Are you seeking God or do other things seem more important? The Holy Bible has a critical message you need to hear.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
Does the Bible say anything about purgatory? If so, who goes to purgatory, and what happens to them there?
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
The act of laying on of hands is mentioned throughout the Bible, but is it significant part of ceremony, or just for show?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Taking notes can also be a big part of better understanding the Bible.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Darris McNeely
Darris McNeely and Victor Kubik take stock of the first 25 years of the United Church of God and discuss a vision for the next 25 years in this first episode of a series looking forward to the future.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Is it important and necessary to be baptized? Is there precedence in the Bible for us to be baptized?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
The fourth key has to do with the Source and inspiration behind the Bible.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Joy is more than happiness; joy is an anchor in our life, even when things aren't going well we can be filled with the joy that only a relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father.
Vertical Thought
by Zach Smith
"How much time do we actually spend thinking about God's law? Do we check our actions with God's law to make sure they are in accordance with it?"
by Dan Preston
Charlotte, NC
What is doctrine? It is important? Does it really matter what your church teaches or what you believe? In this message, we explore what doctrine is, and why it is vitally important to you and for generations to come!
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Another important key to understanding the Bible is to read the book from cover to cover. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What does the Boy Scout motto and a day mentioned in the Bible have in common?
by Mike Phelps
Ann Arbor, MI
Does it matter what we believe when it comes to God and His word? What if we are sincere in our beliefs, is sincerity all that matters? How does doctrine enter into the picture? Church doctrine is critically important to the Christian...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
If you have been baptized before should you be re-baptized? Here are some questions to ask yourself.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The wine is Christ's blood. The bread is His body. This doctrine is taught in some of the most popular versions of Christianity, but is it literal or symbolic?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Studies reveal a large gap between what many Christians think the Bible says and what it really teaches. Study to know the truth!
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
Join us for this very interesting Video sermon about the importance of sound doctrine. Do you love God's truth? Do you understand the difference between God's truth and the traditions of men? The answers to these questions and more in...
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
When we look at the world around us we have seen great changes in the morality in recent years. Conduct that once was labeled as wrong is now considered normal and even encouraged. These changes have taken place slowly over time. Many...
