United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 9790.
Who Is God?
by United Church of God
Matthew 28:19 is a biblical passage sometimes misunderstood with regard to the Trinity doctrine.
Is God a Trinity?
by United Church of God
Matthew 28:19 is a biblical passage sometimes misunderstood with regard to the Trinity doctrine. Jesus is quoted as telling His disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in ['into,' Greek eis] the name...
Craig Clark

Craig Clark is the pastor for the Freeland congregation. Fundamental Beliefs: We trace our origins to the Church that Jesus founded in the early first century. We follow the same teachings, doctrines and practices established then. Our commission is to proclaim the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God to all the world as a witness and teach all the nations to observe what Christ commanded. (...

Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Steve Myers answers a viewer's question: How and why does Beyond Today offer literature for free? Is there a way to get all the publications at the same time?
Craig Clark

Fundamental Beliefs: We trace our origins to the Church that Jesus founded in the early first century. We follow the same teachings, doctrines and practices established then. Our commission is to proclaim the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God to all the world as a witness and teach all the nations to observe what Christ commanded. (Matthew 24:14 - And this gospel of the kingdom shall be...

Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Did Christ instruct His Church to "make leaders" or to "make disciples"?
Good News
by Good News
Our greatest challenge for this age is to live as God commands, to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God throughout the entire world, to make disciples in all nations and to care for the disciples God adds to His Church today (Matthew...
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
The word Disciple comes from the greek word mathetes. It has a context of being a scholar, student or pupil, essentially learning from someone. When Jesus told his disciples to go out and make disciples in all the nations in Matthew 28:19...
Sabbath Services
by Clint Porter, Victor Kubik
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - June 12, 2021
by Micah Gunn
The Catholic Church teaches that Peter was the first Pope and the Pope has complete authority over the Church on earth. Ground zero for this teaching comes from Matthew 16:18: "I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will...
This is The United Church of God
by United Church of God
God's desire is that every human being live as He commands and ultimately receive His gift of salvation to become a part of His family and Kingdom. This vision is what motivates members of the Church in their collective responsibility.
Is God a Trinity?
by United Church of God
Some people, seeking to buttress their belief in the Trinity, point to a number of biblical passages that supposedly show Father, Son and Holy Spirit operating together as a Trinity. But do these passages really show that? We must be sure...
by Micah Gunn
2024-04-04 to 2024-04-10
Christians are wrong about the afterlife! For centuries people have misinterpreted scripture and fused it with pagan ideas about what happens after death. The teachings about your immortal soul ascending to heaven or descending to hell to...
by Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter, David PerMar, Scott Buchanan, Steve Myers, Jolinda Schreiber, Mark Graham, Matthew Hernandez, Chaz Leathers
Jelly and the boys stay overnight at Camp Otterwood. When Little Larry goes missing, Jelly's buddy, James, starts to feel homesick. With the help of a special friend, they discover the importance of family.
by Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter, Scott Buchanan, Jolinda Schreiber, Matthew Hernandez, Chaz Leathers, Micah Gunn, David Styer
Jelly’s volcano erupts with success at the State Science Fair, but his journey is just beginning. After snagging first place, Jelly faces a seismic choice: should he follow his dreams at the national level or follow God? In this episode,...
by Rudy Rangel III, Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter, Scott Buchanan, Matthew Hernandez, Chaz Leathers, Micah Gunn
Jelly gives a report on his favorite book!
