United Church of God


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Total results: 32067.
Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension
by United Church of God
While parents have the opportunity to be the greatest influence on their children's lives, this doesn't always happen.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Movies and music are among many influences shaping our morals, ethics and behavior. What—and who—should be shaping behavior in ourselves and in our children?
Compass Check
by Randy Shoemaker
A son’s plea for his father to fight death a little longer. As children of God, we have a similar calling to fight darkness—to not allow God’s light in us to die out.
United News
United News
Mufulira, Zambia—We would like to thank our Creator in heaven for making it possible to hold such a successful and fruitful youth camp, especially in this trying time as the world is shaken with the dangerous pandemic caused by COVID-19.
We would also like to thank our sponsors for the support they rendered to see that the 2020 UYC camp was successful. Camp was held Aug. 16-23, so as many students as possible could attend while on school break. The overall theme of the...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Do spirits really exist? Are they active in the world today or is it all just fantasy? Discover the critical truth.
United News
David Register
Education efforts will be driven by the Church's mission statement and an expanded statement of direction for all the education programs.
  As previously reported in the August United News, the Council of Elders unanimously approved an outcome-focused approach for education programs of the Church. Education efforts will be driven by the Church...
United News
by David Treybig
We've all heard the term. It's bandied about as the magic, fix-all solution for busy parents with children. Is this true? If so, how can you insure the time you spend with your children truly is "quality time"?
United News
Greg Sargent
Pinecrest Camp completed another successful year in "the Zone"—an atmosphere modeled after the Kingdom of God.
Pinecrest Camp completed another successful year in "the Zone"—an atmosphere modeled after the Kingdom of God. Our United Youth Camp mission is to expand on what our parents are doing at home by giving our children...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Don Hooser, Tom Robinson
Are human beings inherently good? If so, why is there so much evil in the world? Did God make people the way they are? Or has something gone wrong? And what fundamentally needs to change?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
What’s behind the conflict, racism, violence and war in the world? Why can’t people get along? Discover the primary cause of evil.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Becky Sweat
The world around us prizes qualities that are ultimately worthless and harmful. Your awareness of them will help protect you and your children.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
We have a finite number days in our lives; the key is to use each one wisely. We don't want to leave those projects unfinished as the number of our days shortens.
Beyond Today Television Program
This five-part Beyond Today video series reveals the insidious and far-reaching influence of Satan the devil. Watch to learn how to guard against his attacks on society, your family and your very identity as a future child of...
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
Prophecy says that in these last days difficult times are coming because most people have fallen under the influence of Satan. In this introductory sermon on parenting Mr. .Smith asks, since we don't want our children to fall under Satan...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
A verse from the apostle Paul shows us how God wants us to treat others. 
by Craig Scott
God created a vast universe filled with diversity, complexity and uniqueness. How can we be ourselves and still have the mind of Christ?
Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension
by United Church of God
Many parents, including single parents, are raising well-adjusted, moral children who successfully enter adulthood. Why are these families successful when so many others are not?
