United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 16245.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The coronavirus pandemic showed us how quickly conditions can change. How can you prepare?
by Christopher Shude
Freeland, MI
It is interesting that the same questions come up within the church over and over- usually not on a point of doctrine. Why does this occur? One reason is that one of the characteristics of those who follow God’s way, is to follow the...
United News
The Holy Days center around and teach us about God’s plan for all mankind and the centrality of Jesus Christ’s role in every step toward its completion.
Divinely Appointed Times and the Next Full Moon Greetings everyone, This past full moon of Sept. 17 was called the Harvest Moon, named this way because this moon graces the skies during the harvest season each year. As we observed...
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
What is the significance of the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, relating to biblical prophecy and God's power?
by Lynn Leiby
Lawton, OK
Zechariah announces that all flesh will keep the Feast of Tabernacles during the Millenium. But Isaiah says all flesh will also come together on the New Moon to worship the King. Let's seek to understand why we might use Zechariah to...
United News
by Leon Walker
If you reject the Hebrew calendar, what have you got? Does the Bible give enough information to construct a calendar?
by Frederick Kellers
Nashville, TN
Have you noticed that the Bible often mentions new moons? You have read scriptures that might seem to say that new moons should be kept or observed.  Is that true? Fred Kellers takes you through scriptures that make the answer clear...
by Michael Fike
Tampa, FL
Obviously on the Day of Trumpets, we are observing a New Moon.  But, should we be observing every new moon?  If so, why are they not included in Leviticus 23 where the Sabbath and Holy Days are commanded to be kept forever?
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
There are a lot of opinions on this topic. What does the Bible say? Should we as New Testament Christians observe festivals on the new moons?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
There is a lot of interest in blood moons and what that might mean in Bible prophecy. What do you need to know?
Bible Study Course Lesson 12
by United Church of God
The passage in Colossians 2:16, probably more than any other in the Bible, is interpreted by those who reject God's festivals as confirmation that the biblical feast days are unnecessary observances.
by Herb Vierra
Eureka, CA
Keeping what God tells us to do!
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The first of the "Blood Moons" is next week. Is there a spiritual alignment we may want to pay close attention to?
by Jorge de Campos
Cincinnati East, OH
The Hebrew Calendar is the basic set of rules by which we in God’s Church determine when to keep God’s Holy Days. Calendar critics with their varied concerns, opinions and differing conclusions have been around for centuries. It is nothing...
by Barry Grady
Dayton, OH
What significance does God place on the moon?  Is there any prophetic significance?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
A recent study offers a fascinating theory about Petra.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Self-proclaimed prophets regularly promote their latest predictions about heavenly signs. But what is the biblical truth?
by Jorge de Campos
Cincinnati East, OH
The Hebrew Calendar is the basic set of rules by which we in God’s Church determine when to keep God’s Holy Days. Calendar critics with their varied concerns, opinions and differing conclusions have been around for centuries. It is nothing...
