United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 16081.
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Is there a heaven where you will live forever with God? What does the Bible say?
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Is there another superpower forming besides the United States?
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
With so much bad news in our world is there any good news?
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Is it possible to understand what death really is? What happens when we die?
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Justin Palm
Justin Palm and Victor Kubik continue their discussion on fake news, focusing this time on helpful tips for navigating the confusing and deceptive media landscape.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Justin Palm
Justin Palm joins Victor Kubik in the studio to discuss the difficulty of finding reliable information in part one of this conversation on fake news.
United News
United News
Key Dates
God's plan for mankind involves restoration—and the Feast of Tabernacles symbolizes the restoration process. The preceding Holy Days set the stage for this restoration of the creation to peace and harmony with God.
For more information about the Feast of Tabernacles festival sites go to ucg.org/members/feast . To read more about the Feast of Tabernacles click the links below. https://www.ucg.org/tags/feast-of-tabernacles...
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Ariana Del Signore
Ariana Del Signore, Managing Editor of Internal Publications for UCG, talks with Victor Kubik about her vision for the United News, and walks him through the development process for many of our publications.  
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
What does the Bible really say about hell?
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
How profound are the changes taking place in the American family?
World News and Prophecy Seminar
by Paul Kieffer
The one event that tells us major prophecies are yet to be fulfilled.
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Where did the customs of Easter originate and would Jesus Christ keep Easter?
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
The origins of Christmas may be different that what you have been lead to believe.
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
How do you define success? What is the American dream? Is there something missing in your life?
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Abortion—who will speak for these children? When does life begin?
by Micah Gunn
Is astrology the answer to our deep longing to know what's in the future? Is there any harm in reading your daily horoscope? Or for that matter, obsessing with Bible prophecy, getting deep into personality tests, or the news? We magnify...
World News and Prophecy Seminar
by Darris McNeely
Europe slumbers while powerful forces work that will awaken it from a centuries long sleep.
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Where are our loved ones who have died? What happens when we die? What does the Bible say about death?
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Our fascination with angels.
World News and Prophecy Seminar
by Robin Webber
Babylon stretches from Genesis to Revelation as the city that opposes the plan of God. Could you be walking its streets without knowing it?
