United Church of God


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Total results: 3246.
by Michael Arritt
Roanoke, VA
Beware of Trojan Horses. It is what is on the inside of something that counts. There are three types of Trojan Horses we need to be aware of: Satan, society and human nature.
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
Is it possible to identify Calcol or Chalcol as Cecrops of Athens and still relate his name to the people of Colchis?
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
The world is abuzz about the newborn son of Britain's Prince William and Duchess Kate—George Alexander Louis or Prince George of Cambridge, third in line to the British throne after Prince Charles and Prince William. His birth on July 22,...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
Pastor Philip Aust discusses the long preparation that preceded King Charles' III succession to the throne of Great Britain and that which God provides for the saints in His church.
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
Note that the Scythians from Spain were known as Milesians—a name replete throughout the Irish annals.
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
The Trojans were forced out of the Aegean region through a series of national conflicts—one of which is presented to us in the famous Trojan War of Homer’s Iliad, which occurred around 1200 B.C.
by Howard Baker
Lake Texoma, Texas 2017
The Bible has many examples of individuals who forgot they were in the presence of God. We often forget this as well, but the reality is that we are constantly in God’s presence individually and collectively. This is both sobering and...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Well-written books have the ability to challenge our assumptions and give us a sense of history and understanding.
by W. Fred Crow
San Jose, CA
We are heirs with Christ and therefore we are royalty. We are to be part of his Kingdom and will rule with Him. We must live according to God's way and not the way of this world which is under the rulership of Satan.
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
There are several purposes for trumpet blowing. One of those is to announce the arrival of royalty. There will be a trumpet blast at the return of Christ!
by Robert Dick
Branson, Missouri 2022
The sermon focuses on the fact that being a king/priest in the millennium is about service at the highest level. The United States denounced royal titles and offices early in its history and as a result most of us lack a working...
by Don McCoy
Panama City Beach, Florida 2020
God is going to give his children eternal life in HIS ROYAL FAMILY! He is literally going to give us the Kingdom! Do we understand what it means to be royalty? Or what a precious gift it will be to have been given a position in God’s Royal...
by Ed Dowd
Phoenix East, AZ
At baptism, we are given the mark of royalty. We are set apart, but we must remain steadfast and not be swayed. That is why we need to help one another, by being encouragers
by Galen Morrison
Beloit, WI
An understanding of what King means and who they are.
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
Today, though, it seems that despite multiple nations still looking to Queen Elizabeth as their head of state, the British throne’s glory days are over, particularly with more and more calls heard for its abolishment. But what really lies...
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
How God would fulfill the specific promises to David, who was descended from Perez?
