United Church of God


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Total results: 21730.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Can we make what's become "turkey day" more godly? Try this...
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Darris McNeely
Darris McNeely just returned from a personal trip to Turkey to study the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3. Victor Kubik asks about his trip and the interesting locations that he visited.
Inside United Podcast
by Darris McNeely, Victor Kubik
Darris McNeely joins Victor Kubik to further discuss his trip to Turkey to visit the ruins of the seven churches of Revelation. This week, they speak about Thyatira, Philadelphia, as well as the city of Smyrna and the significant events...
Beyond Today Bible Study
In the book of Revelation Jesus Christ reveals seven letters written to seven congregations throughout what is present-day Turkey. How did these letters apply to the congregations they were written to? What is the prophetic significance...
United News
Join us for an Ambassador Bible College study tour of Turkey April 2025!
Another Ambassador Bible College study tour is being planned to Turkey and the sites of some churches of Revelation, and a portion of the travels of Paul. Cities visited will be Ephesus, Pergamon, Istanbul, Alexandria, Troas, Colossae and...
United News
Jim Tuck
Why is this nation strategically placed between the Middle East and Central Europe? Most people don’t know that Turkey is related to the descendants of Jacob through his brother Esau.
What does the Bible say about Turkey in prophecy? Britain, the United States of America and Australia are from the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When researching the Turkish people, one finds they are descended from the first-born...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of us to cancel plans. How can we deal with these disruptions?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Have archaeologists found the "Gates of Hell" in Turkey? Where did we get our popular ideas on hell, anyway?
by David Treybig
With part of Turkey located in Europe and part of it located in Asia, this country has long been the site where civilizations, cultures, and ideas clash. It's where East meets West, where the Christian and Muslim religions collide, and...
by Scott Ashley
Denver, CO
In our ongoing studies examining the cultural background of the Bible, this sermon covers the many biblical connections to Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) in the Bible, ranging from Abraham through the apostle John. We then take an in-depth...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
This Thanksgiving season, a Psalm helps us stay thankful and keep the right perspective.
World News and Prophecy
by Paul Kieffer
Though many in Europe oppose Muslim Turkey's admission to the European Union, the EU has agreed to begin official negotiations. Where will this lead? What does Bible prophecy reveal?
World News and Prophecy
by Paul Kieffer
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan's actions and words confirm his country's independence in determining its foreign affairs. What course is he charting for Turkey's future?
by Mark Welch
Cincinnati East, OH
On a recent trip to Turkey and the seven Churches of Revelation, it became more clear to me that now is my day of salvation, just as it was for the first-century Christians who lived in Asia Minor. I am to make my calling and election sure...
United News
Darris McNeely
Travel to the places where the scenes of Scripture occurred adds new dimensions of understanding the Bible and its application for today.
As you read the Bible, have you ever desired to visit the locations where Paul traveled or Christ taught? Travel to the places where the scenes of Scripture occurred adds new dimensions of understanding the Bible and its application for...
by Mark Graham
Cleveland, OH
A major role that Jesus had was to be a light to the Gentiles. After the resurrection of Jesus, the early Church also began to actively preach to the Gentiles. LEt's make the connection between God and Turkey.
