United Church of God


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Total results: 19790.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
Some claim Jesus' teachings advocated Socialism. What is the truth?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
The Berlin Wall was erected to divide people. Jesus is returning to tear down all walls separating people.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Brexit is now official. What comes next now that Britain is no longer part of the European Union?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Do we strive to seek God's Kingdom above all else?
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
The Bible uses many ways to describe two distinct societies: righteous and unrighteous, darkness and light, the world and the church, kingdoms of earth and the kingdom of heaven. They’re always mutuality exclusive–two separate ways of life...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
People think they can define what is love regarding sexual behavior. But, this role belongs purely to our Creator.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
Bible prophecies identify nations today that have been recipients of great promises.
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
by United Church of God
Today almost everyone identifies the name Israel with the Jews. Is this assumption correct?
Good News
by Jerold Aust
However tragic separation may be, God includes within His masterful design a plan to redeem Israel and humankind, to eventually bring them together with God and each other.
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update, president Victor Kubik gives a brief update of the new recording studio. Then he talks about a mighty promise from God and that is that we can never be separated from Him no matter what.
As we start this new month of August, we are excited to report that the Video Recording Studio is almost complete and on schedule with the construction phase of this project. The electrical work was finalized earlier this week and the...
by Dwaine Hudson
Columbia - Fulton, MO
The two separate events of the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord are explained.
Good News
by Good News
Today almost everyone identifies the name Israel with the Jews. Most people assume the Jewish people are the sole remaining descendants of the ancient nation of Israel. The assumption, however, is incorrect.
by Micah Gunn
What is the nature of God? Is He a singular being, as the Jews believe? Is God a Trinity—Father, Son and Holy Ghost—as the Catholic Church has taught for centuries? How did the early Church answer this question in light of Jesus’s arrival...
United News
Philip Aust
Join us in Atlanta, Georgia for this exciting weekend!
The Atlanta and Buford, Georgia congregations are excited to host the 2023 Southeast (SE) Regional Weekend in Atlanta on April 8-9. This is the region’s 26th consecutive year offering the event. This year’s SE Regional Dance theme is...
by Howard Baker
East Texas
Human beings created in the image of God are given godlike gifts which separate us from the animal kingdom. Speech, language, self-awareness, self-reflection, imagination and creativity are just some of those gifts. Two important and...
Good News
by Good News
Where did the northern 10 tribes of Israel go after their Assyrian captivity? They became known to historians as the "lost 10 tribes." What happened to them, and how do they fit in with the present peoples of the state of Israel?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Bible tells us what is expected of all those who claim to follow Jesus.
United News
Mark Welch
Here we suggest three ways in which you can conveniently make your Holy Day offerings.
CINCINNATI, Ohio — Due to the restrictions placed on congregations meeting together at this time, we will not be able to have face-to-face meetings this year for the two Holy Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This requires a...
