United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 184.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Halloween in America is big business. Americans spend billions of dollars every year on this popular holiday.
by Don Hooser
Most folks who celebrate Halloween are nice people, but that doesn’t make Halloween nice.
by Braden Veller
Ocala, FL
Amazingly, Halloween is being promoted more than ever before. Is God indifferent to this observance or does God oppose Halloween? Most people have no idea as to what it is and where its origin come from.
by Larry Walker
Halloween is a major holiday in the Western world for people of various backgrounds. Can Halloween celebrations be reconciled with a Christian worldview and lifestyle? The Bible holds the answer.
Good News
by Jerold Aust
Every year, on the evening of Oct. 31, millions of families celebrate a distinctly odd holiday known as Halloween. For your own good, you need to know what lurks behind the mask of Halloween.
by Anthony Scott
Springfield, MO
Halloween has been around for a long time and called by different names and is becoming more celebrated that other traditional Christian holidays of this age. Is is appropriate for God's people to participate in Halloween. This message...
Beyond Today Dailys
by Steve Myers
Halloween is a very popular holiday. But is it something Christians should take part in?
by Thomas Bulharowski
Columbus, GA
Halloween dates back 2000 years to the pagan Celtic festival, Samhain.
by Jonathan F Garnant
Bakersfield, CA
Halloween may seem harmless but it has a dark side. How do we explain to others, and especially our children, why we do not participate in this observance? Reviewing the history behind Halloween, this message provides an overview of the...
by Greg Sanny
Northwest Arkansas
John Ramirez, a former Satan worshipper, is featured to explain his confusion over how a Christian could justify participation in Halloween.
Good News
by Good News
Commercial advertising has successfully turned Halloween into big business. Few realize the magnitude of the impact of Halloween on society and the powerful economic forces at work designed to influence your behavior.
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
Halloween's timing and theme serve as a counterfeit version of God’s fall Feast days, drawing people away from the truth of the plan of God for all of humanity and what happens after death.
