United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 46049.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Hello friends, Not caring seems to be an easy road to travel, but it never ends well.
United News
by Jeremy Lallier
Is a state of mind where God doesn't matter to us really where we want to be?
Beyond Today
by Jeremy Lallier
There are times in our lives when we lose our way, become stationary and cannot seem to move forward. What can we do?
by Ted Budge
Las Vegas, NV
People are experiencing many negative things during this time of lock down and uncertainty, including despondency, isolation, boredom, listlessness, and apathy. These feelings are encompassed within a syndrome called acedia. This message...
by Ted Budge
Bakersfield, CA
People are experiencing many negative things during this time of lock down and uncertainty, including despondency, isolation, boredom, listlessness, and apathy. These feelings are encompassed within a syndrome called acedia. This message...
by Lonnie Johnson
Springfield, MO
Spiritual Apathy: What is it, how can it manifest itself in your life, and where can you go to cure this terminal and life threatening spiritual disease?
by Scott Delamater
Phoenix East, AZ
It's easy to get to the Sabbath and feel worn down and tired. Sometimes we are worn out spiritually. Being worn down is common, it is a way Satan likes us be. It is something he actively does. Many distractions and things that consume and...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
Many in our age have developed an attitude of indifference to life - they lack enthusiasm for almost nothing. Is this an acceptable approach for God's people? In this message we'll hear how God tells us to avoid such a problem.
Beyond Today
by Mike Bennett
In our technological Information Age, when the electrical power goes out, we are left literally in the dark. Some fear more massive blackouts will plunge us into another Dark Age. But in a figurative sense, have we already entered a Dark...
by Kirk Kester
Buffalo, NY
Ways to maintain zeal for God's work.   See video below.
by Tony Stith
Southern Minnesota
Because we live in a world ruled by one who desires to distract and derail us from what's important, it no surprise that God's people from time to time struggle with maintaining focus and energy on God and the things of God. In this...
by Larry Sharp
Redlands, CA
Jesus Christ warns us about an increase in apathy or laziness. This attitude of apathy leads to the unpardonable sin. We should not become dull of hearing.
by Bob Radcliff
Houston, TX
When we look at history we see nations cycling between good and bad leadership and we also see the people cycling back and forth between good and bad conduct. In this split-sermon Bob Radcliff shows us that one of the main causes of this...
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
When asked to do something challenging, many respond, "Who, me?" It's as if they don't want to have their peaceful lives disturbed with anything difficult. How about you? Are you willing to be a courageous leader?
by Kirk Kester
Elmira, NY
Five spiritual areas to combat apathy
by Larry Sharp
Los Angeles, CA
Through scripture, we are instructed on how we can avoid the attitude of apathy which can lead us to the unpardonable sin.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Satan is our adversary, we must stay vigilant against his attacks and stay close to God.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
All humans strive to be successful in whatever venture they do.
Good News
by Tom Robinson
A media circus was in full swing as U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was greeted in the Middle East and Europe as a political superstar in late July 2008. But a potentially far more important development in that part of...
