United Church of God


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Total results: 48587.
by Steve Nutzman
Cincinnati East, OH
Learn why you have fear, what you fear, and how to overcome it.
by Rick Shabi
Cincinnati East, OH
God holds all of us, individually and collectively, accountable for advancing the mission of His church. The Bible dramatically shows what God expects of each of us in order for His work to be blessed.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
We all do it. It is human nature. But, if we are serious about our calling and truly desire to please God, we have to come to recognize and overcome that natural resistance, that “counter-will,” we feel and exhibit toward God, His...
by Rick Shabi
Panama City Beach, Florida 2023
One of the fundamental traits a Christian must have is the proper fear/reverence/respect/awe of God. That one trait has so many benefits, and is so necessary for our spiritual lives and future. Without it, we fail and can begin to...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
In an age of endless media outlets, voices come at us from all directions. Most purport to be “experts” trying to lure us into sharing their opinions. But for every expert opinion supported by studies, there are opposite viewpoints...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Jesus and the apostles never taught about a rapture. Rather, their message was about the hope of the resurrection.
United News
by Joy Porter
Do your children feel your love? Do they feel safe emotionally?
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
God has given great signs showing His will and way. Where do you draw spiritual stop lines on your spiritual journey? This sermon examines an analogy of God's signs, our personal responsibility in drawing spiritual stop lines and how it...
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
People’s hearts often turn to God when they are in trouble, and yet less often when things are going well. We need to count our blessings, not only at Thanksgiving, but every day of the year.
by Frank Dunkle
Cincinnati East, OH
We have been called by God, but sometimes He calls upon some of us for particular duties. We can see several examples in scripture of varying ways people have responded to God's call to duty.
by David Horvath
Nashville, TN
Every day the pressure of society is upon us. Do these "Social Winds" slowly bend and change our thoughts about what is right and wrong?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
If you're discouraged, think about this verse in Zephaniah.
by Becky Sweat
How can we improve our comforting skills? It really starts with understanding what not to say. These six responses usually do more harm than good.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
You may be amazed to learn what Jesus really taught and what He wants you to do. Prepare for a challenge!
by Rick Shabi
Orlando, FL
In one of the final sermons to his congregations before relocating to Cincinnati, Mr Shabi encourages the brethren with several points to consider as we await Christ’s return.
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Is terror appropriate for a Christian? Is fear appropriate for a Christian?
by Roy Holladay
Cincinnati East, OH
Christ says, in Matt. 18, "...Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." There is something about a little child we must become like. what are the attributes of a child-like...
by Allan Hambleton
Cincinnati East, OH
God knows and can read our very minds. Why does God want us to bring every thought into captivity? And what are some of these thoughts that we’re suppose to bring into captivity? What do we have to be watching out for?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
The Bible gives some simple advice on how to change your perspective: focus on the positive, and stop complaining. 
