United Church of God


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Total results: 46904.
by Bill Bradford
Cincinnati East, OH
How many of us ask for wisdom each day? Which type of wisdom are you displaying in your life? We ought to ask God for His wisdom.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Most people have an aversion to seeking advice.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
A well-known American stated that a person who refuses to be counseled cannot be helped.
by UCG Administrator
Our Planned Giving brochure covers many of the commonly used planned giving methods including Last Will and Testament, Will Substitutes, Qualified Charitable Distributions, Life Insurance as a Planned Gift and Trusts.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Steve Myers
God wants you to change and start living His way. He reveals three essential steps to help you start and continue in this new life, steps requiring deep consideration and purposeful action today.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Did you get enough sleep last night? If not, maybe the following is some encouragement you could use. Have a good day—and a good night's sleep!
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
A man once wrote that he felt sorry for himself because he had no shoes—until he met another man who had no feet.
by Boyce N. Berkel
Tampa, FL
We live in a world as Christ so rightly pointed out as sheep among wolves. It is critically important therefore that we learn how to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Our safety and peace of mind now in this life and our hope for...
by Gary Petty
San Antonio, TX
God pouring His spirit out on the early church found in the book of Acts was an amazing time to be in the church. As God’s power was being given to the people of the early church they faced many great trials and they were not afraid. As...
by Steve Myers
Ambassador Bible College
In this class we will discuss 1 Corinthians 1:17 thru 1 Corinthians 2:5 and examine the following: Paul underscores the centrality of the message of the cross and the simplicity of his preaching. He downplays human wisdom and eloquence,...
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Scripture tells us that if we ask for something according to God's will we can have every confidence we will receive it. It is within God's will that you have wisdom. Godly wisdom has benefits for eternity... and it has benefits for TODAY.
Meaningful Relationships
by Heidi Braun
Don’t lose heart! Before you sign up for Christian Mingle or ask out the girl/guy you met at a baseball game, consider these reasons not to give up on marrying in the Church.
Beyond Today
by Phyllis Newton
Poverty has been a constant presence throughout human history, but each of us has the opportunity to personally combat poverty every day while we look forward to a time when poverty will be a distant memory.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
There truly is a boomerang effect to giving—blessings, both physical and spiritual, always come back to you!
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Who do we look to when times get troubled?
by Gary Petty
Cincinnati East, OH
God pouring His spirit out on the early church found in the book of Acts was an amazing time to be in the church. As Gods power was being given to the people of the early church they faced many great trials and they were not afraid. As...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that the more details and information we give, the better people will know us.
