United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 45812.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Sometimes our assumptions lead to embarrassing results. There's a better way!
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Our perceptions can create an alternate reality.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Robert Curry
All of us need reminding of a vicious enemy who wants to tear our lives into pieces. But we can take heart in being able to resist him. God’s Word shows us how.
Vertical Thought
by Shannon Wayne
Since human nature is inherently contrary to God's way, we wouldn't know how to please Him or how to live a godly life without His revealed word, the Bible.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Learning to wait on God is often the key to avoiding difficult situations.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
A recent deer sighting called to mind an important principle in Habakkuk.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
How do you respond when news events become viral?
Heaven and Hell What Does the Bible Really Teach?
by United Church of God
Some people believe Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 11:5 declare that God took Enoch to heaven. But is that what these verses say?
by Jim Tuck
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
The Bible continues to be the top of the rack best-seller in the world year after year. Yet, in some ways, it is the most misunderstood of all books. How can we come to understand it? What is required?
United News
by Steven Kieler
As a young man, I always appreciated short sayings.
United News
by Robert H Berendt
We are strongly influenced by people around us. Often the actions of others draw us simply because it seems everybody is doing it. Few people give serious thought to consequences or to the future.
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
What is that elusive something that life is all about?
