United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 46020.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Few have found and truly followed the road to peace.
by Tom Robinson
Jekyll Island, Georgia 2022
During the reign of Christ, Israel and other nations will follow a literal highway of return to God and interconnection. It also symbolizes the spiritual path they will take--a path we walk today as forerunners. This is the roadmap to...
by Doc White
Roanoke, VA
History has shown that man does not know the way to peace. As long as Satan has influence over this world there is going to be conflict, stress and anxiety. How do we deal with the conflict and stresses of this world? What is the path to...
by W. Fred Crow
Bend-Redmond, Oregon 2017
The Feast of Tabernacles is a way of life. We are told to rejoice. That is a theme you are going to hear a lot about; it is a command.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Victor Kubik
As if a pandemic, a battered economy and soaring unemployment weren’t enough, America has once more been shocked by social unrest and racial strife. Is there a path to a better way?
United News
Jim Tuck
The opening ceremonies of the Olympics this year in France offended many Christians around the world by parodying what they thought was the famous painting, “The Last Supper.” The upsetting opening ceremonies may have torpedoed any hope...
The Olympics is supposed to be a time of excitement where the best young athletes from all over the world come together to compete for the gold medal. More than 3.05 billion people watched the 2020 Tokyo, Japan Olympics, according to...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Change what you can and accept the rest.
by James J Malizia
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: James Malizia Date: 12/19/20 Location: Orinda In this message Entitled “The Path Of Peace” presented December 19, 2020 Mr. James J Malizia looks into how scripture guides us related to peace prompted by the specific phrase in...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
History ought to have taught us the horrors of war so strongly that we humans would never go there again.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Mankind has been offered a choice between war and shame, honor and disgrace, misery and happiness.
United News
by Stuart Segall
So few find the way to happiness, it must be a well-hidden secret. But today's your lucky day—the secret will be revealed!
Compass Check
by Steve Nutzman
You’re at a “crossroads”—a point at which a critical decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences. What will you do? You can’t avoid it or go around it. You can ignore it, but you’ll eventually have to face it.
by Rick Shabi
Panama City Beach, Florida 2023
Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles 2023! United Church of God president, Rick Shabi speaks of the great meaning the Feast holds as we begin this year's festival.
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
To really understand Christianity you have to accept it as a complete lifestyle... a way of life.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
It's called Memorial Day in America. Formerly it was known as Decoration Day. In other places it goes by Decoration or Veteran's Day. It is a time when those who died in service to their country are remembered. Flags fly and flowers are...
