United Church of God


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Total results: 53619.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Don Hooser
Coming soon—the spectacular and glorious return of our Savior returning as King of Kings to establish the Kingdom of God throughout the earth! Here are just five of the changes His rule will bring.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Our world is changing before our eyes in frightening ways. What’s behind the bizarre things we are seeing, and what can we do about them?
by Gary Petty
Cincinnati East, OH
In your life you're going to experience a paradox of good times and bad times. Your happiness is important to God in all of this and that's why you must learn happiness.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Rick Shabi
How will the beautiful picture of world peace and joy become reality? What stands in the way, how will change happen, and can change start now?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Imagine doing this. But does it mean you would be abandoning Christ? The answer is no! Discover the Bible’s pivotal reason.
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
In this thought-provoking video, United Church of God President Rick Shabi responds to a comment by former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy regarding the shift in global dynamics. The discussion revolves around the erosion of...
Beyond Today Magazine

Is the devil real? Many people assume he’s just a mythological figure or some sort of symbol of all evil. But your Bible tells a very different story. It describes a very real being of enormous power and influence over human beings.

Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
What’s behind the conflict, racism, violence and war in the world? Why can’t people get along? Discover the primary cause of evil.
by Bill Bradford
Cincinnati East, OH
The Church has the means by which to determine teaching and doctrine. It is important to clarify that because there are a lot of varying ideas as to how doctrine or teaching is arrived at within the Church.
by Bill Bradford
Cincinnati East, OH
How many of us ask for wisdom each day? Which type of wisdom are you displaying in your life? We ought to ask God for His wisdom.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Throughout his letter Jude warns the Church about some people who were part of the Church but were teaching and promoting false ideas that had the potential to lead a lot of people astray. Previously we looked at how to combat their false...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
The teachings of most churches differ considerably from the Bible’s instructions. Is it time you examined your beliefs?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
A warning is now being proclaimed about severe tumult to soon strike our world. Are you making urgent preparations?
Vertical Thought
by Erik Jones
"You're too young . . ." Most teens hear these words quite often. "You're too young too drive," "You're too young to drink," "You're to young to have a job," etc. But there is one thing that a young person is never too young to do—serve!
by Micah Gunn
The story of Jesus Christ is the most important one ever told, but many people have been getting it wrong for centuries. Join us on a journey of understanding the story of Jesus as it was written, to look past the traditional narrative and...
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
What does God say about lying? If you are a habitual liar, where will that get you? Stop and think for a moment about the nineth commandment. If mankind was able to eradicate even this one sin, do you know what a better place this world...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Discover how Easter's practices, such as bunnies, colored eggs and sunrise services are related to unbiblical pagan myths.
