United Church of God


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Total results: 47962.
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
People’s hearts often turn to God when they are in trouble, and yet less often when things are going well. We need to count our blessings, not only at Thanksgiving, but every day of the year.
by Heidi Braun
How we respond to others' words and actions can reveal a lot about our respect, including that for God.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Being grateful, to God and to those around you, can be beneficial to you, your relationships, and your spiritual life.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
It's important to recognize and identify sins in our life, but we can't stay there. We must repent and move forward.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Tom Robinson
See what God is doing as the world plunges further into confusion. Embrace God’s plan. Learn to live by His will.
by Victor Kubik
Cincinnati East, OH
We are all refugees of the world. Victor Kubik, President of UCG, tells of his life as a refugee. How thankful he is of all the blessing he has received. And how thankfulness is helpful for our well-being.
by Mark Welch
Cincinnati East, OH
As God’s children today, let us be sure to praise God the Father and Jesus Christ often and give Them genuine thanks for who They are, what They are doing, and what They will do in the future! Let us remember that doubt and fear hinder us...
Family Study Guides

This Family Guide will discuss that being thankful involves more than just saying “thank you.” We explore ways that your family can find things that God has done in your family’s lives that you can be thankful for. We also learn the importance of thanking o

Compass Check
by Dan Preston
Your parents probably taught you to pray, and there’s no doubt they pray for you. But have you ever thought about praying for your parents?
by Robin Webber
True peace comes from being thankful—no matter what confronts us at the moment.
Compass Check
by Emma Cortelyou
In this fast-paced world, sometimes it can be easy to forget to be thankful to God. The days start and end in the blink of an eye, leaving us exhausted and worn down.
