United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 46099.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Sometimes it seems weeds crop up everywhere! Wishing you a weed-free day!
by Mitch Showers
North Canton, OH
Can we plant seeds and walk away, hoping they will grow? Any gardener will give a resounding “No!” when asked this question, since only if the seeds are watered, the weeds removed, and the plants fertilized and tended, will the seeds...
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
God provides precious truths to us so that we can grow. We also must face and overcome obstacles along the way. In all of this our hope and salvation is found in Christ and the Father.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
In computer programming it’s referred to as GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), but the principle was around long before computers!
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
"What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.
by Don Hooser
Dallas, TX
Throughout the Bible, God emphasizes that we should seek knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. That means both 1.) godly knowledge, understanding and wisdom plus 2.) physical and mental knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that are...
United News
by Larry Walker
There are two most important conditions that have to be met before Christ returns. What are these conditions? Where would you look to find the answer?
by Mark Graham
Cleveland, OH
It is a beautiful time of year. It's the time of year when weeds begin to populate our lawns. Today I would like to share with you how I weed my lawn, and discuss some garden analogies from it. How can we weed our spiritual lawn?
by Ed Dowd
Oklahoma City, OK
Self-examination is an integral part of preparing for the Passover...
by Andy Lee
Cleveland, OH
We don't always think about the correlations with the time of year that we are in and the schedule of worship that God laid out. God brings the Holy Days and the season together to help us think in practical ways about things we...
Beyond Today
by Becky Sweat
Our children need perseverance whether they are tending a garden, learning to play a musical instrument, or practicing gymnastics. Here are some tips for helping kids develop stick-to-it-iveness.
by Stephen de Campos
Dallas, TX
Like invasive weeds in our garden, Sin can create significant negative consequences for our spiritual lives. This message deals with the nature of sin, and how to overcome it.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
"I'd rather see a sermon than hear one," someone once said. Hearing and seeing is better.
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
What kind of spiritual field are your tending? Is your field full of hard and rocky soil and covered in weeds? Maybe its time to start plowing your field and breaking up the rocky soil and cultivating a life that seeks God and growing in...
by Ronald A. Bell
Buffalo, NY
Its important to understand Christs' analogy of the wheat and the weeds that exist together.
by Jeff Richards
Central Oregon
God describes His Holy Spirit as a life-giving substance, poured out like showers down upon the earth to accomplish His good pleasure. This life-giving water has touched all of us. On Pentecost, we understand that God’s people make up the...
Beyond Today
by Katherine Rowland
So often we feel we fail to measure up to God’s standards, but He is ultimately looking at what is happening inside of us.
