United Church of God


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Total results: 5022.
by David Treybig
While unaware of the U.N.'s 60th anniversary last month, a growing number of people have become aware of the organization's weaknesses. But before dismissing the idea of the U.N., consider what the Bible says about the role of nations...
by Mark Kasperson
Hartford, CT
Do we try to hit the ball or let it go by? Our struggles often lead to roots of bitterness. How can we avoid this? We have to grow a loyalty to God.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Pentecost is a time of beginnings, a reset to remind us to be God's firstfruits.
by Howard Davis
My interview with the charismatic Ghanaian Marian Aggrey of the United Nations' Public Information Department last month in New York was an eye opener.
United News

Welcome to the September-October 2023 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the January-February 2023 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the March-April 2023 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the November-December 2022 issue of United News!

World News and Prophecy
by Bill Eddington, Cecil Maranville, Jim Tuck
Currently 41 nations use children as soldiers and 120,000 children are fighting in African wars. The country of Myanmar (also known as Burma) holds the "distinction" of having the highest number of child soldiers, 50,000.
United News

Welcome to the September-October 2022 issue of United News!

United News
by Jessica Curry
The story of Samson has much to teach us. The author, age 11, asks and answers important questions it seems Samson didn't fully comprehend till the end of his life.
United News
by Jay Turner
How often do we leap to conclusions and mount a frontal assault on evildoers, only to be embarrassed later when the real facts come out?
United News
by Judy Swanson
Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to have been the children or grandchildren of Deborah? She was placed in the highest position of power, with the consent of the people. She was one of very few women in history to have...
by Victor Hou
Redlands, CA
Ordinary or Un-ordinary What makes one special, or set apart for a special purpose? What is common among humanity and what is unique? Why is our calling special?
by Randy D'Alessandro
Public attention to Casey Anthony's trial has been off the charts, following in the footsteps of other popular, big-name trials, both factual and fictional. The greatest "legal" drama is yet to come for mankind, however.
United News

This is the graduate issue of the United News! You will find bios of high school and college graduates in the PDF of the UN on pages 2, 9-12, and 19.

United News

Welcome to the September-October 2024 issue of United News!
