United Church of God


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Total results: 38110.
by Gary Antion
Lexington, KY
This sermon reveals a clear understanding about one of this world's favorite holidays.
by Jeffrey Herrera
New Jersey - North
Mainstream Christians will soon be entering a so called "season to be jolly". We have just ended God's Holy Day season but must continue in our clear understanding of what makes God's way truly glorious. We need to reflect all aspects of...
Vertical Thought
by Erin Tootle
Why pin your hopes for happiness on one season? Be joyful all the time!
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
In the world, today, we have seven major religions, but back around the time and region of the establishment of the church was the influence of one religion in particular, Mithraism, from which a number of salvation imitations stemmed.
by Barry Howdeshell
Little Rock, AR
As Christians we love this country, but we also look to another homeland, the Kingdom of God.  Why is it that this nation is so blessed?  God will not continue to bless us if we continue down our path of turning away from Him.  God isn't...
Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Observe?
by United Church of God
Why do we do some of the curious things we do? Why pretend that a jolly man in a red suit gives toys made by elves to children on one night a year Why pretend that rabbits lay eggs? And why do it in the name of religion?
United News
Victor Kubik
Letter from the President
UCG president Victor Kubik provides information on the upcoming Winter Family Weekend and the creation of a video recording studio fund. He also provides insight in how to be tactful when asked about why you don't keep Christmas.
The Winter Family Weekend, December 23-27 in Cincinnati, is just a little over a week away. It is one of the largest single event gatherings in the United Church of God. The Great Wolf Lodge, where many of the events are to be held,...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Mardi Gras has its roots in religious tradition. But what does the Bible say?
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik touches on the recent Council of Elders meetings and gives a brief itinerary for his upcoming trip to the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong to conduct pastoral development and Kingdom of...
Council of Elders Yesterday, we concluded our quarterly Council of Elders meetings. We appreciated the cordiality amongst the Council and those of us in the Administration in smoothly conducting our regular business....
Sabbath Services
by Jason Nitzberg, Mark Welch
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - June 27, 2020
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
We are known by how we live our lives. Are we demonstrating a Christian life?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
The Bible shows the truth behind popular customs like Lent.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
It is widely known that Christmas has pagan origins, but many Christians seem content to partake in the festivities. But Christmas has no place in Christian worship.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
Christianity is about a long race.
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
Local Congregations View a list of both U.S. and international UCG congregations at www.ucg.org/about/church.htm. You can also access many local congregation Web sites from this location. Good News...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Where should our line be drawn between church and state?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Colossians 4:6 tells us to "season" our speech. What does this mean and how do we do it?
UCG Short Films
by Jamie Schreiber, Dave Archer
In many seasons of our lives, it can seem like all too often we get caught in the grip of winter, like there is nothing but desolation and sadness filling our world to the brim. It's at times like these we can draw many lessons from nature...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The apostle Paul uses an analogy about salt to remind us how to speak to one another.
