United Church of God


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Total results: 32779.
United News
Peter Eddington
The United Church of God is continuing its "End-time Prophecy 101" Bible study series with, "Why Should You Study Biblical Prophecy?" Watch it live via webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday.
JULY 3, 2016: The Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation of the United Church of God is continuing its bi-weekly Beyond Today Bible study series titled: “End-time Prophecy 101.” Part seven will be given on...
United News
Peter Eddington
The United Church of God is continuing its "End-time Prophecy 101" Bible study series with, "God's Relevance and Prophecy." Watch it live via webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday.
JULY 17, 2016: The Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation of the United Church of God is continuing its bi-weekly Beyond Today Bible study series titled: “End-time Prophecy 101.” Part eight will be given...
United News
Peter Eddington
The United Church of God is restarting its "End-time Prophecy 101" Bible study series with, "Where Are We In God’s Prophetic Plan of Salvation?" Watch it live via webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday.
JUNE 20, 2016: The Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation of the United Church of God is continuing its bi-weekly Beyond Today Bible study series titled: “End-time Prophecy 101.” Part six will be given...
Beyond Today Bible Study
We all wonder what the future may hold, especially with so many troubles in our world today. God doesn’t want us to be unaware of what is to come. He has revealed much about the future so that we can have peace of mind and become...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Day-to-day life requires most of our attention. So, what is the value in spending time studying Bible prophecy?
United News
Peter Eddington
The United Church of God is continuing its Bible study series with, "Zechariah: Prophecy—Past, Present and Future" by Steve Myers. Watch it live via webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday.
MAY 15, 2017: The Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation of the United Church of God is continuing its bi-weekly Beyond Today Bible study series titled: “The Minor Prophets.” Part 12 will be...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Does its strange imagery, revealed thousands of years ago, have a practical application in your life? You need to know.
Bible Study Aids

More than three decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is aggressively reasserting itself on the world stage, raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?

Beyond Today Bible Study
by Gary Petty
This is the seventh part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. For some people studying prophecy is one of the most exciting aspects of their Bible study. They like to figure dates and charts of end...
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Gary Petty
This is the first part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. The mysterious book of Revelation has been the center of debate for almost 2000 years. Join us as we get an overview of Revelation to help unlock this vision of the...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Chicago, IL
The prophecies of the Book of Daniel are so accurate that many scholars want to date the writing of this powerful book much later that it was actually written. Why? The prophecies contained in the book are so rich with detail and have come...
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Darris McNeely
This is the sixth part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. As we look ahead to the coming of Christ we watch and strive to discern the times. We don’t want to be caught unaware. But a balanced...
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Steve Myers, Peter Eddington
The series on the book of Revelation continues with chapters 19 and 20. Chapter 19 is a prophecy about the return of Jesus Christ and the marriage supper of the Lamb. It also talks about the fate of the beast and the false prophet. Chapter...
United News
Peter Eddington
The United Church of God is continuing its Bible study series with, "Habakkuk: The Prophet Who Saw History" by Darris McNeely. Watch it live via webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday.
MARCH 24, 2017: The Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation of the United Church of God is continuing its bi-weekly Beyond Today Bible study series titled: “The Minor Prophets.” Part ten...
United News
Peter Eddington
The United Church of God is continuing its "Let Us Keep the Feasts" Bible study series with, "When the Church Takes the Kingdom!" Watch it live via webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday.
SEPTEMBER 5, 2016: The Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation of the United Church of God is continuing its bi-weekly  Beyond Today Bible study series titled: “Let Us Keep the Feasts.” Part eleven ...
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Gary Antion, Randy Stiver
The series on the book of Revelation continues with chapters 17 and 18. Hear about the judgment of the great harlot, and learn about the fall of Babylon the great.
Beyond Today Bible Study
by Gary Antion, Randy Stiver
The series on the book of Revelation continues with the last 6 verses of Revelation chapter 20, and then on into chapters 21 and 22. Chapter 20 covers the timeframe of the 1,000-year millennial reign of Jesus Christ and the resurrections....
United News
Peter Eddington
The United Church of God is continuing its Bible study series with, "Obadiah: God's Message to Edom" by Gary Petty. Watch it live via webcast at 7 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday.
APRIL 21, 2017: The Cincinnati East, Ohio, congregation of the United Church of God is continuing its bi-weekly Beyond Today Bible study series titled: “The Minor Prophets.” Part 11 will be...
