United Church of God


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Total results: 24560.
United News
United News
For 2007, total mail received at the home office was 592,354 pieces (up 25.6 percent from 2006), and 584,880 pieces of literature were sent out (up 26.5 percent).
For 2007, total mail received at the home office was 592,354 pieces (up 25.6 percent from 2006), and 584,880 pieces of literature were sent out (up 26.5 percent). The literature mailed out does not include The Good News, World News...
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
Connie Seelig
Church member volunteers perform a vital service for the home office each year.
Church member volunteers perform a vital service for the home office each year. Each issue we mail approximately 16,000 Good News magazines to international subscribers in areas of the world not served by other international...
United News
Edwin Van Pelt
As of the end of January we have 15,400 subscribers to The Good News magazine (GN ) on file in Canada. We added 600 new subscribers during January, with a number of them coming from the Internet and from the ad in the Canadian Reader's...
A total of 810 new people were added to the Canadian files in January. In addition to the 600 subscribers mentioned above, we added a number of new readers (those who requested booklets but not a GN subscription) as well as a number of new...
United News
United News
In 2006, at least 335 new members were baptized around the world.
In 2006, at least 335 new members were baptized around the world. This compares to 316 reported in the January issue last year. Here are the baptisms reported at press time: Argentina ..................................... 7...
World News and Prophecy Seminar
by Melvin Rhodes
Explanation of the background of the west's moral and spiritual decline.
