United Church of God


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Frank Fish


Our United Church of God Bakersfield congregation is a part of our regional gatherings in Los Angeles, Garden Grove, Redlands, San Diego, and Las Vegas. We are all a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ with congregations in more than 40 countries. Together, as congregations within the United Church of God, an International Association, we preach the...

Frank Fish

Links to UCG Orange County and UCG Bakersfield

The United Church of God in Los Angeles is a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ and is a congregation within the United Church of God, an International Association with...

by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
Through Jesus Christ, we have amazing power available to us. This power resides within us through the Spirit of God. Are we stirring up and using this power to the fullest extent? This message describes the uses and capabilities of this...
United News

Welcome to the January-February 2020 issue of United News, redesigned and updated to celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of UCG.

United News
Victor Kubik
President Letter
UCG President, Victor Kubik, shares plans for trip to Australia to attend national leadership conference, home office updates and thoughts from a recent visit to the Anne Frank House.
Beverly and I, along with Bob and Dyanne Dick, are heading to Australia to attend and participate in a national leadership conference. Attendance is expected to be in excess of 70. We have been preparing for this conference since last...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik reports on a spike in Beyond Today responses as well as news around the home office, including another "Farms-to-Families" food distribution, a visit from ministerial trainee Mike Fike and a...
A Spike We Like The latest statistics for viewer response to Beyond Today television programs via the Newsmax TV network have overwhelmingly broken all previous records. The program, “All About Grace,” hosted by...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
Philip Aust covers chapter 16, the last chapter of Paul's 1st letter to the Corinthian church. This completes Dr. Aust's continuing series of sermons on this Book.
United News
Victor Kubik
Chairman Letter
A letter from President Kubik to our brethren requesting a Church-wide fast.
As we come to the end of this calendar year—and as I reflect on the Work of God through His Church and through our lives—I can only express deepest appreciation for all He has given us. We praise God for His loving mercy and grace toward...
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
The largest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust occurred on October 7, 2023. That day has been described as Israel's September 11th and Pearl Harbor, combined and magnified. Our pastor, Frank Fish, was the tour director for the...
Peter M. GabrielLiz Ryan
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall.
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall. It was the last Sabbath of Jim and Sharron Franks' pastorate in the Houston area. The Franks were...
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
Offering evidence from a historical and biblical perspective, let's consider the inalienable rights, blessings, freedom, and endowments granted us by a beneficent and loving God. As we see our nation changing, are those rights being taken...
United News
Roy Holladay
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom.
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom. Here are just a few of the evangelistic efforts that local congregations have been involved in of late: •...
United News

Welcome to the special November-December 2020 issue of United News, featuring Festival reports from Feast sites all over the world!

United News
Robin Webber
Council of Elders - December Meeting Update
Dear fellow elders and members, The Council of Elders (CoE) of the United Church of God met in Cincinnati from Dec. 6 through 10. Sunday was set apart for a full-day retreat for all 12 CoE members along with our president, Victor Kubik...
by Jonathan Fahey
Dallas, TX
In his letter to young pastor Timothy, Paul discusses how the church should support widows needing assistance. Paul has two concerns: that the widows receive the financial support they need, and that the church's limited resources are...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik writes about the ABC faculty and staff meeting held in anticipation of classes beginning on Aug. 23. He also announces the new regional online Bible seminars for co-workers and donors, the...
ABC to start 23rd academic year It’s time to start the next academic year of Ambassador Bible College (ABC). We held a faculty and staff meeting on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming class and the year’s teaching and activity schedule....
