United Church of God


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Frank Fish


Our United Church of God Bakersfield congregation is a part of our regional gatherings in Los Angeles, Garden Grove, Redlands, San Diego, and Las Vegas. We are all a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ with congregations in more than 40 countries. Together, as congregations within the United Church of God, an International Association, we preach the...

Frank Fish

Links to UCG Orange County and UCG Bakersfield

The United Church of God in Los Angeles is a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ and is a congregation within the United Church of God, an International Association with...

by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
The largest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust occurred on October 7, 2023. That day has been described as Israel's September 11th and Pearl Harbor, combined and magnified. Our pastor, Frank Fish, was the tour director for the...
by Frank Fish
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 2020
What was the context of Jesus' outburst about "living waters" in John 7:37 at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, and what does it mean for us today?
United News

Welcome to the January-February 2020 issue of United News, redesigned and updated to celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of UCG.

United News
Victor Kubik
President Letter
UCG President, Victor Kubik, shares plans for trip to Australia to attend national leadership conference, home office updates and thoughts from a recent visit to the Anne Frank House.
Beverly and I, along with Bob and Dyanne Dick, are heading to Australia to attend and participate in a national leadership conference. Attendance is expected to be in excess of 70. We have been preparing for this conference since last...
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
A sermon given on the blacktop. As we strive to live our lives in fellowship with God and Jesus Christ, we must consider how we interact with our workmates, neighbors, and family in these unusual times.
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
Through Jesus Christ, we have amazing power available to us. This power resides within us through the Spirit of God. Are we stirring up and using this power to the fullest extent? This message describes the uses and capabilities of this...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik reports on a spike in Beyond Today responses as well as news around the home office, including another "Farms-to-Families" food distribution, a visit from ministerial trainee Mike Fike and a...
A Spike We Like The latest statistics for viewer response to Beyond Today television programs via the Newsmax TV network have overwhelmingly broken all previous records. The program, “All About Grace,” hosted by...
United News
Roy Holladay
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom.
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom. Here are just a few of the evangelistic efforts that local congregations have been involved in of late: •...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
This Bible study focuses primarily on Acts 15 -- the Letter to the Gentile Churches; Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy
by Andy Duran
Beloit, WI
Listed as one of the seven churches in Revelation, the Church of Sardis has a name that they are alive, but are dead. In this sermon, several lessons are reviewed from the letter written to Sardis.
Peter M. GabrielLiz Ryan
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall.
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall. It was the last Sabbath of Jim and Sharron Franks' pastorate in the Houston area. The Franks were...
by Frank Fish
Galveston, Texas 2016
The rich meaning of the 8th Day comes out from reading the scriptures pointing to how God intends to all people from all ages to have a proper chance to choose to believe and live with God for eternity.
United News
Mark Welch
In this personal from MMS, Mark Welch reports on the Boundary Waters Adventure that was conducted for members of the full-time ministry last week.
MMS Boundary Waters Adventure—Pastoral Challenger Program! Several months ago, Frank Dunkle, who heads up the Boundary Waters Adventure (BWA) Challenger Program for young adults, approached me with the idea of having such an adventure...
by Ron Barker
Dayton, OH
There are lessons for us from Christ letters to the churches in Asia minor.
by Frank Fish
Los Angeles, CA
We live in a complicated, pluralistic and, ultimately, failing world. It is a type of Babylon, a system of collective human pursuits in opposition to God. Intensifying its effect on us is a digital onslaught of information, entertainment,...
by Lewis VanAusdle
Hartford, CT
If there was a message written specifically for you, how seriously would you take it? What if it was from God? Would you reread it to see if you missed any details? Let's look at the book of Revelation, written for the churches in the past...
