United Church of God


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Frank Fish


Our United Church of God Bakersfield congregation is a part of our regional gatherings in Los Angeles, Garden Grove, Redlands, San Diego, and Las Vegas. We are all a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ with congregations in more than 40 countries. Together, as congregations within the United Church of God, an International Association, we preach the...

United News

Welcome to the January-February 2020 issue of United News, redesigned and updated to celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of UCG.

Frank Fish

Links to UCG Orange County and UCG Bakersfield

The United Church of God in Los Angeles is a part of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ and is a congregation within the United Church of God, an International Association with...

by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
The largest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust occurred on October 7, 2023. That day has been described as Israel's September 11th and Pearl Harbor, combined and magnified. Our pastor, Frank Fish, was the tour director for the...
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
The Feast of Trumpets prefigures the return of Jesus Christ. This message explores the state of the world - held captive to sin and lawlessness, the rescue team that will bring true freedom to mankind, and the timeline involved in that...
United News
Peter Eddington
After concluding the September round of our Kingdom of God Bible Seminars, the guest count stands at a very encouraging 1,514.
After concluding the September round of our Kingdom of God Bible Seminars, the guest count stands at a very encouraging 1,514. A total of 176 congregations filled out the online survey, so thank you very much to the pastors and...
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
We live in a confusing age, a type of Babylon. These are challenging times. The pandemic is a 100-year event. What we are experiencing is affecting us. How are we doing? How do we counteract the negative effects of what we are going...
United News
Victor Kubik
President Letter
UCG President, Victor Kubik, shares plans for trip to Australia to attend national leadership conference, home office updates and thoughts from a recent visit to the Anne Frank House.
Beverly and I, along with Bob and Dyanne Dick, are heading to Australia to attend and participate in a national leadership conference. Attendance is expected to be in excess of 70. We have been preparing for this conference since last...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik covers recent news such as the western Canada regional ministerial conference and an update from Derrick Pringle, the pastor in the Copperbelt, Zambia. He also reminds readers of the UCG...
Pentecost weekend is coming in a few days. This Holy Day coincides with the 25th anniversary of United Church of God's first official church service on Pentecost weekend 1995. This was shortly after a conference of ministers in...
United News
John Foster
At the quarterly Council of Elders meetings May 21 and 22, the Council crafted and unanimously approved the following announcement about the results of the GCE ballot May 18:
At the quarterly Council of Elders meetings May 21 and 22, the Council crafted and unanimously approved the following announcement about the results of the GCE ballot May 18: "We have just completed a profitable General...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik reports on a spike in Beyond Today responses as well as news around the home office, including another "Farms-to-Families" food distribution, a visit from ministerial trainee Mike Fike and a...
A Spike We Like The latest statistics for viewer response to Beyond Today television programs via the Newsmax TV network have overwhelmingly broken all previous records. The program, “All About Grace,” hosted by...
Peter M. GabrielLiz Ryan
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall.
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall. It was the last Sabbath of Jim and Sharron Franks' pastorate in the Houston area. The Franks were...
by Freeman L. Kuhns
North Canton, OH
Paul’s letter to the Philippians provides valuable instruction and encouragement that we may harness for our instruction and encouragement in this age of pandemic. Following the principles in tis letter can change our lives; helping us...
United News
Roy Holladay
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom.
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom. Here are just a few of the evangelistic efforts that local congregations have been involved in of late: •...
by Frank Fish
Los Angeles, CA
Allowing God's Way of love to renew our minds and overcome our sinful thoughts and nature.
by Ron Barker
Dayton, OH
There are lessons for us from Christ letters to the churches in Asia minor.
