United Church of God

Advice for God's New Creatures

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Advice For God's New Creatures

MP3 Audio (32.87 MB)


Advice for God's New Creatures

MP3 Audio (32.87 MB)

We have among us some individuals who will be baptized within the next month or so… and I have been thinking a lot about their future lives as “new creatures in Christ”. At the same time I have been thinking about my own conversion almost 47 years ago, and asking myself… “If I only knew then, what I know now… what would be different”. What do I wish someone had told me at that time?” Today, looking back at my personal experiences and looking forward to those who are starting a new Christian journey with their baptism, I would like to offer some wisdom. With a strong foundation of daily prayer, study, meditation and regular fellowship… I would suggest the following things…

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