United Church of God

Gambling and Covetousness

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Gambling and Covetousness

MP3 Audio (11.03 MB)


Gambling and Covetousness

MP3 Audio (11.03 MB)

Gambling is one of the worst forms of covetousness, a clear violation of the 10th Commandment. The growing mania for gambling is a great curse to individuals, families and to society. What is the fundamental evil of gambling? For one person to win money, others must lose money. When you are desiring to win, you are desiring that others lose. It's the opposite of loving your neighbor as yourself. It's selfish, materialistic, greedy, addictive and contrary to the biblical work ethic and God's way of give. If you are tempted to excuse gambling because you're gambling for only small stakes, the principles are the same. What would Jesus do?

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