United Church of God

How Do We “stir Up” God’s Holy Spirit?

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How Do We “Stir Up” God’s Holy Spirit?

MP3 Audio (14.76 MB)


How Do We “stir Up” God’s Holy Spirit?

MP3 Audio (14.76 MB)

Paul likened God’s Spirit to an ember in a dying fire. He encouraged Timothy to stir up the live coal, to fan it into flames. He knew we must guard against neglecting the gift of God’s Spirit, of letting the fire grow cold. How can we maintain the courage, strength and love God gives us through His Spirit? How can we insure that we don’t “grieve” or “quench” the Holy Spirit? How can we maintain the spiritual high we received from the Spiritual Refresher we just received at the Feast? We do this by stirring up “the gift of God” – His Holy Spirit! But how? We find the answers in scripture.

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