United Church of God

How the New Testament Was Canonized

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How the New Testament was Canonized

MP3 Audio (24.04 MB)


How the New Testament Was Canonized

MP3 Audio (24.04 MB)

Very interesting Sermon on How the books of the New Testament were canonized. Join us for this amazing study of how the books of the New Testament were canonized.

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  • David Martin
    Mr de Compos, I very much appreciate the thorough presentation on the NT canonization. Many years since I reviewed this.
  • Jorge de Campos
    Thank you for your understanding and support. Have a great week. Jorge de Campos
  • thedarrenator
    Regarding how the New Testament was canonized, Jorge de Campos said, "Did God leave that to human beings to determine which books were holy? Obviously not. God identified through the apostles which are the holy books to be included in scripture." Since the apostles were human beings, do these statements not present an obvious contradiction? It seems de Campos is simply arguing that certain human beings rather than certain other human beings are who God guided to bring clarity to questions regarding the canon. If the apostles had declared which books belonged to the NT (I don't know how that case could be made), then why weren't the controversies settled with the answer, "See here—the apostles themselves told us which books are inspired"?
  • David Martin
    God selected the humans through whom he would preserve His inspired writings for our admonition. It was clear and concise, well documented in scripture. I confirmed, like the Bereans did ny going to the bible.
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