United Church of God

Is It Christian to Demonstrate or Protest for Your Rights?

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Is it Christian to Demonstrate or Protest for Your Rights?

MP3 Audio (32.24 MB)


Is It Christian to Demonstrate or Protest for Your Rights?

MP3 Audio (32.24 MB)

Is it Christian to Demonstrate or Protest for Your Rights? Today I would like to begin the Sermon today by telling you a true story of a series of events that occurred in 1979… 41 years ago. I have a “close acquaintance” who witnessed these events so this is from his first-hand experience. He was 25 years-old at this time. To give you some background… he was attending a small private religious college in southern California. The founder of the college and the church that subsidized it were very controversial. They were not part of the religious mainstream. Now I will begin the story…

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