United Church of God

Parallels Between the Israelites' Exodus and the Church's Exodus

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Parallels Between the Israelites' Exodus and the Church's Exodus

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Parallels Between the Israelites' Exodus and the Church's Exodus

MP3 Audio (12.82 MB)

There are clear parallels between the exodus from Egypt and the Church's final end-time exodus. These parallels apply in a personal, collective, and prophetic way.

Sermon Notes


By Mario Seiglie, 1st DUB, March 30, 2010


Note the clear parallels between the Exodus from Egypt & the Church’s final end-time Exodus.

1 Cor. 10:1-13 - What happened to the Israelites are examples for us. DUB not only in the past.

Revelation, just as Exodus, mentions flight, plagues, Jerusalem as Egypt & the song of Moses.

Let’s go over these parallels that apply in a personal, collective (as a Church) & prophetic way.



Ex. 1:8-13, 21-22 – Account of Israel’s oppression.

Rev. 1 – Account of the Church’s oppression from this present evil world.


Ex. 2:23-25 - Israel at end of Egypt’s oppression.

Rev. 2-3 - Stages of the Church until the end of this world’s oppression when God acts.


Ex. 3:9-12 - God calls Moses as liberator.

Rev. 4, 5:9-10, 12 – Christ is the liberator.


Ex. 4:21-23 - Israel’s 12 tribes will be protected by God.

Rev. 7:1-4 – Church as the 12 spiritual tribes of Israel that will be protected.


Ex. 7:1-5 – Moses & Aaron are the principal leaders doing miracles.

Rev. 11:3-4 -- Two witnesses as principal leaders doing miracles in the end times.


Ex. 7:8-13, 22 - Moses, Aaron vs. Pharaoh, magicians - miracles by both parts.

Rev. 11:5-6; 13:13 Two witnesses vs. Beast, false prophet, miracles done by both parts.


Ex. 7:14; 9:6-7; 9:25-26 - 10 plagues but they don’t touch Israel.

Rev. 14:1, 9-12, 16:2 -  7 last plagues, but

don’t touch the Church.


Ex. 12:21-23 - Israel wins through symbol lamb’s blood.

Rev 11:8; 12:5, 17 - Church wins through

the lamb – Christ. Jerusalem called Egypt.


Ex. 13:3-5 - Israel flees to a place of safety – the Sinai desert.

Rev. 12:13-14 - Church flees to a place of wilderness and safety.   


Ex. 14:21-23 – By God’s power, Israel crosses the Red Sea to safety.

Rev. 12:15 – By God’s power, Church crosses wilderness to its place of safety.


Ex. 14:23-26 - Pharaoh’s army persecutes Israelites but perishes.

Rev. 12:16 - Beast’s army swallowed up by earth.


Ex. 14 Pharaoh defeated Egypt unrepentant

Rev. 12:17 Beast defeated but doesn’t repent.


Ex. 15:1 - Israel’s victory hymn of Moses.

Rev. 15:3 Church’s victory hymn of Moses.


Ex. 16:4-6 - Israel begins time of trial – 40 yrs.

Rev. 13:5 - Church’s last time of trial – 3 1/2 yrs.


Ex. 16:12; Dt. 29:5 - Israel receives manna, water, clothing doesn’t age.

Rev. 12:14 - Church is nourished for 3 1/2  years.


Ex. 20:1-3 Israel receives the 10 commandments to keep.

Rev. 14:12 - Church keeps commandments in letter & spirit, bares faithful witness Christ.


Exodus-Joshua -- God defeats Israel’s foes.

Rev. 19:19 - Christ defeats the Church’s foes.


Exodus-Joshua – God gives Promised Land to His people.

Rev. 20:4 – Christ establishes kingdom of 

God with all faithful in the Church.


2 P. 1:3-5 -- We have exceedingly great promises. Hope, love & faith.

2 P. 3:10-14 -- Days of Unleavened Bread – looking forward to days when righteousness will reign on the earth.

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