United Church of God

The Birth of Our Savior: Separating Fact From Fiction

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The Birth of Our Savior

Separating Fact from Fiction

MP3 Audio (44.68 MB)


The Birth of Our Savior: Separating Fact From Fiction

MP3 Audio (44.68 MB)

Like much of what the modern world does, the birth of Jesus Christ is shrouded in tradition and myth. I thought it might be helpful today for us to examine the birth of our Messiah from the very pages of scripture so we can separate fact from fiction. We do believe that Jesus Christ was born, and that His birth was an a miraculous and inspirational event. But, there is a huge gap between the Biblical birth of Jesus Christ and what much of the world celebrates as Christmas… the mass of Christ.

Unedited video available at: https://youtu.be/Uurnr5Il-eU

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