United Church of God

The Ministry of Reconciliation

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The Ministry of Reconciliation

MP3 Audio (15.05 MB)


The Ministry of Reconciliation

MP3 Audio (15.05 MB)

As Christians we claim to follow the Prince of Peace. But many times in our lives and inside the church, we have conflict! We will see all the results of conflict sometimes, inside the church. We've been called to follow the Prince of Peace. Peace is not the absence of war. We have conflict, no matter what we do in life - with or without war.

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  • Diane Stewart
    Mr. Petty, thank you so much for this wonderful sermon on reconciliation. You brought up points I never considered before. One of the points was that at times we may hold off reconciling because we want the other person to say "I'm sorry" so that our emotional needs are met. We make ourselves an idol. If that were Christ's response, we would never have been reconciled to Him and had a chance with a relationship with Him. In fact, there are some who don't know how to say "I'm sorry," even if they wanted to. How will they ever be reached with this ministry if we don't have the heart of Jesus Christ and love them as He loved us? You're sermon has much I need to learn to bring peace to my life. I will be listening to this sermon many times to soak up all the verses you have expounded. Thank you again!:)
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