United Church of God

The Stockdale Paradox Redefined by Rom 8.28

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The Stockdale Paradox Redefined by Rom 8.28

MP3 Audio (45.25 MB)


The Stockdale Paradox Redefined by Rom 8.28

MP3 Audio (45.25 MB)

US Navy Vice-Admiral James Bond Stockdale credits survival of 8 years as a North Vietnamese POW by a life lesson he learned from the ordeal which became succinctly defined by others as “The Stockdale Paradox.” This sermon considers the “Paradox” in terms of what many consider the most powerful and encouraging scripture in all the bible, Romans 8.28, and profiles biblical personalities of incredible faith who set examples of endurance for Christians of all eras by “never losing faith they would prevail in the end, while having the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of their current reality, whatever they might have been!

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