United Church of God

The Weekly Sabbath- Holy Time We Enjoy in All Seasons of the Year

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The Weekly Sabbath- Holy Time We Enjoy In All Seasons of the Year

MP3 Audio (48.55 MB)


The Weekly Sabbath- Holy Time We Enjoy in All Seasons of the Year

MP3 Audio (48.55 MB)

The world gives us "holidays". God gives us Holy Days! During the Christmas season let us enjoy a weekly Holy Day that gives us spiritual refreshment, encouragement, hope,and inspiration! the Weekly Sabbath is Holy Time We Can Enjoy In All Seasons of the Year

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  • Jhaskins
    Hi Randy, I have been challenged about the 7,000 year period. By a former WCG family member and a UCG member. I believe in the 6,000 + 1,000= 7,000, but I cannot prove it. Yes, we can Biblically prove a six day work week and a Sabbath. And the millennium...one thousand year period. And that a thousand years is a day to God. I went online and put in 7,000 years Church of God, and nothing significant came up for CoG. I did find a SDA article on it. and other inaccurate charts. But it didn't have the backbone to prove it. It is okay for those that believe and trust what they have been taught before. Can you refer me to scriptures that are plain on this subject? Your sister in Christ, Jeannette
  • Randy D'Alessandro
    Hello Jeannette, it was good to hear from you! Here is an article, with scriptural support, that appeared in the September-October 2010 issue of the Good News Magazine. The article was titled "A Millennial Sabbath and a Sabbatical Millennium' Here is the link. I hope this helps. Randy D https://www.ucg.org/the-good-news/a-millennial-sabbath-and-a-sabbatical-millennium
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