United Church of God

Three Great Sermons in the Book of Acts: Examples of Three Great Sermons Are Found in the Book of Acts

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Three Great Sermons in the Book of Acts

Examples of three great sermons are found in the Book of Acts

MP3 Audio (11.18 MB)


Three Great Sermons in the Book of Acts: Examples of Three Great Sermons Are Found in the Book of Acts

MP3 Audio (11.18 MB)

Three great sermons are found in the Book of Acts. In Acts chapter 7, Stephen rehearses the history of Israel to a crowd as he preaches the Gospel. He concludes with an indictment of their attitude towards God, and calls for them to repent. This leads to his death by mob action. In Acts chapter 13, starting in verse 14, Paul spoke in a Synagogue in Antioch. Similar to Stephen's sermon, he rehearses the history of God's relationship with Israel He shows that Jesus is the One who was promised to come. In verse 27, Paul tells them that they did not even hear the voices of their own prophets. As a result, they murdered Jesus. Peter preached a powerful sermon on the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 starting in verse 14. It was so moving that in verse 37,many of those present were eager to repent and be baptised.