United Church of God

Two Passovers: Leaving Egypt, Following Christ

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Two Passovers

Leaving Egypt, Following Christ

MP3 Audio (18.33 MB)


Two Passovers: Leaving Egypt, Following Christ

MP3 Audio (18.33 MB)

In recounting the events of the original Passover and exodus from Egypt, through the institution of the symbols of the New Covenant in the last Passover that Jesus kept prior to His death and resurrection, we see two Passover typologies. One, commemorating God’s deliverance of His people from slavery, the other depicting God's redemption of all mankind through Jesus Christ. As the Israelites were protected and freed by the blood of a lamb, we also have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus Christ inhabits all of God's Holy Days. We do clearly see two Passovers. In that, we follow the new.

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