United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 10507.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Being prepared for events in life is important as we look toward God’s Kingdom.
United News
Larry Greider
June 29 the camps at Hye Sierra, California, and Woodmen, Alabama, began.
This summer marks the 14th season of the United Youth Camps program. Each year has demonstrated that a week at camp for junior high and high school students can provide an oasis of faith, growth and hope. This year our six summer...
by Ed Dowd
Osoyoos Lake, British Columbia  2019
God's Kingdom and its proponents are about building up, glorifying, enhancing, and edifying all good things.
United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today Live in Kansas City, Kansas, and St. Louis, Missouri.
Wow! What an incredible weekend that was spent by the Beyond Today production team and presenters for the two most recent Beyond Today Live events in Kansas City, Kansas, on Sunday, March 19, and St. Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday, March 21...
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
God's plan for Nation Building throughout the scriptures and how we have a part to play in it both now and into the Millennium. What kind of nation builders will we be?
by Donald Ward
East Texas
Christ is a High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. We who are in Christ, the firstfruits, are a Holy, Nation, an unchangeable Priesthood.  We will serve as priests in the future Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit is the ‘Bridge’...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Daniel Deininger
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Register To This Site Glacier Country, Montana The beautiful and majestic area of Northwest Montana known as “Glacier Country” will again host the Feast of Tabernacles. This region of Montana is world renowned for its mountains,...
by Sal Cimino, Sr.
Charlotte, NC
These 7 days of ULB have been an example of our complete life with God and Jesus Living in us to be committed to obeying his command to not return to the world but to burn our bridges so we don’t go back but stay clean and move forward...
by Cliff Wickman
Twin Cities, MN
The book of Chronicles is a bridge from the Old Testament to the New. This sermonette is an brief outline of a sermon that goes into the subject more thoroughly.
by Darris McNeely
Historically, the London Bridge was the foundation of London as a city, and England as a country. Much like this bridge that brought a country together, the monarchy has served as the glue of a nation. Queen Elizabeth II has represented...
Beyond Today
by Dan Anderson
In 2007 there was a terrible bridge collapse in Minnesota. This tragedy was just one of many events that have occurred in recent years. How can we deal with these types of incidents and other trials in our lives?
United News
David Dobson
The week of June 29 through July 6 marked the 11th year for Camp Woodmen, Alabama.
This year 107 campers from 19 states joined 54 volunteer staff workers for a wonderful week in the "Zone." God's blessing on the weather was evident as high temperatures fell in the mid-80s early in the week to around 90 degrees late in...
by Ben Light
Eugene, OR
In this series, we have explored the existence of the 'Gap', and its implications in our lives. This gap occurs when there is a discrepancy between our expectations and the reality that we experience. When the reality doesn't meet our...
by Sal Cimino
Tampa, FL
In a world of disrespect to God, parents, and mankind, God made a commandment just for us. Listen in to see how this commandment bridges the 1st four and the last 5 commandments and why respect is so important to God.
by Micah Gunn
Is astrology the answer to our deep longing to know what's in the future? Is there any harm in reading your daily horoscope? Or for that matter, obsessing with Bible prophecy, getting deep into personality tests, or the news? We magnify...
by Randy Love
Yuma, AZ
Mankind cannot know or be in the kingdom of God if not for the shed blood of Christ who builds the bridge that cross the vast chasm of sin.
by Mike Joseph
Grand Rapids, MI
What is the bridge between people?  Listen to find out...
