United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3631.
by Don Hooser
While it may be politically incorrect to criticize other's religion, it seems to be open season on Christianity, especially all forms of Christianity that would seriously attempt to be biblically accurate, as evidenced in many of today's...
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
While much of the world’s attention is consumed by controversy surrounding a fictional book and movie, the meaning of life remains a mystery to all but a few.
United News
United News
updates on our different websites.
On www.ucg.org Compass Check See video of home office weekly meeting. www.ucg.org/about/homeoffice/compasscheck.htm UCG Commentary on This Week's News Weekly commentaries by UCG...
Sabbath Services
by Rick Shabi, Stephen Bouchette
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - April 13, 2024
United News
Greg Sargent
Pinecrest Camp completed another successful year in "the Zone"—an atmosphere modeled after the Kingdom of God.
Pinecrest Camp completed another successful year in "the Zone"—an atmosphere modeled after the Kingdom of God. Our United Youth Camp mission is to expand on what our parents are doing at home by giving our children...
Beyond Today Bible Study
Some still call them the "Ten Suggestions" when God clearly says they are "Commandments". Taken together they are the world's most enduring legislative code. Properly observed and applied they would create a just and fair social order....
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
There exist other writings that claim to be inspired by the gods, stories of creation, divinely inspired… but the book you have in front of you is unique among them all. The bible we have today is validated by actual history (esp....
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A Republican Presidential candidate says "tithing" would be better than our tax code. What's that all about!
United News
Suzanne Lavaty.
Last year, my travel to the Feast turned out to be an adventure!
My trip to Jordan had been planned for months. The anticipation was building, and finally the time had arrived! The night before I was due to leave, I called Travelocity to reconfirm my reservation to Chicago, where I would change planes...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Christ offers us a chance to be His disciples, but being a disciple is about more than a moral code. 
Beyond Today Magazine
by Mario Seiglie
Genetic adaptation to environment has been attributed to natural selection for advantageous mutations. But scientists have recently learned that adaptations come mostly from genetic switches responding to circumstances—proof of design, as...
United News
Steve Myers
Forty-one elders and their wives from across the Northeast region of the U.S. gathered together in Youngstown, Ohio, July 14-16 for the second in the 2019-2020 regional ministerial conference series.
Sunday began with a relaxing dessert reception that provided an excellent atmosphere for fellowship and an opportunity for newer elders and wives to become better acquainted with our seasoned elders. Monday morning began early with a...
Vertical Thought
by Zach Smith
"How much time do we actually spend thinking about God's law? Do we check our actions with God's law to make sure they are in accordance with it?"
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A new bill protecting babies passed the U.S. Senate but did not receive enough votes to advance. How does God view unborn babies?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Mario Seiglie
Good News writer Mario Seiglie talks about articles that focus on God, science and the Bible in the latest issue of the Good News magazine.
