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  • by John Ross Schroeder
Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces arrayed against us, and we either reject or ignore the God who offers the only viable solutions to the enormous problems afflicting our...
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
"More than 8 in 10 Americans think morality is getting worse," reports the Gallup News Service regarding a recent poll. Among those polled who regard American moral values as very low are senior citizens, women in general and those who attend church regularly.
  • by Don Hooser
Once considered the banking capital of the Arab world, Lebanon was widely known as the "Switzerland of the Middle East." It attracted tourists in large numbers. The city of Beirut was often referred to as the "Paris of the Middle East." But Beirut has since undergone drastic changes.
  • by Corbin Rose
Everybody these days chooses their own standards to live by, but only the Bible contains the true way of life.
  • by Darris McNeely
With the legalization of same-sex civil unions in New jersey, America is taking another step down the slippery slope of decline.
  • by Darris McNeely
The United States needs a speech like that given by the prophet Jeremiah when he stood in the capital city of ancient Judah.
  • by Darris McNeely
Bible prophecy shows a coming time of trial for America, Great Britain and other English-speaking nations who have received great material blessings.
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
In relating American cultural trends in his book The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators (1993), former U.S. Education Secretary William Bennett cautioned Americans that "unless these trends were reversed, they would lead to the inevitable decline of the American republic."