United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3341.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
God created a beloved and magnificent being to serve Him at His very throne. The cherub’s name was Lucifer. God gave him everything, and every quality that Lucifer possessed, but it was not enough. Lucifer rebelled again God in an...
by Jeff Richards
Central Oregon
Once one of three archangels whose wings covered the very throne of God, Lucifer failed the crucible of power and subordination. Each of us must succeed where he failed so that God will know that when given power and authority we will...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Beloit, WI
In Isaiah 14 Lucifer reveals what is in his heart in terms of his rebellion against God and the things of God. This section of scripture is important to the Christian in that it clearly shows the thinking of Satan and how he plans to come...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Chicago, IL
This sermon expounds on these 5 "I will" statements as foundational to Satan's thinking and how we can be "vigilant" in defending ourselves against the "wiles" of the devil.
by Craig Scott
Jacksonville, NC
Contemporary research has determined that one of the main reasons young people abandon God, scripture, church is confusion and doubt about Genesis 1.
Compass Check
by Dan Preston
As Satan is our enemy, it would be wise for us to know a little bit about him, so we can be more aware of his attacks.
by Jonathan Beam
Atlanta, GA
In a split sermon on the Day of Atonement, Jonathan Beam discusses pride - a characteristic of Satan that helped lead him to rebellion, and how we should be careful not to let it take hold in our lives.
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Satan's obsession is to prevent you from becoming AT ONE with your Father.
by Sal Cimino
Tampa, FL
All of us have sinned. It has been a part of our lives going back to Adam...
by Robert Dick
Portland, OR
What is the oldest, most powerful spiritual leaven? Scripture shows plainly that one spiritual sin has existed from the fall of Lucifer and has been dominant throughout history. It does thankfully have an antidote which this sermon will...
by Robert H Berendt
Canmore, Alberta 2014
Creation began in perfect harmony.  Lucifer introduced the first rebellion and disharmony.  Lucifer introduced the first rebillion and disharmony.  Satan and the demons are to be confined forever and incorigable humans who rebel against...
by Mark Welch
Tulsa, OK
What was at the root cause of Lucifer’s original sin?  Surely it was vanity and pride, but was it not also a lack of thankfulness toward God that led Lucifer to commit the sin of rebellion?  Why do we rebel against God?  Why is the sin of...
Teen Bible Study Guides
by United Church of God
Is there really a Devil? Or is Satan a man-made myth, a human attempt to explain evil? If God is perfectly good, how could He create the devil? And why?
by Tony Stith
Twin Cities, MN
The archangel Lucifer attempted to exalt his throne above the stars of God, to ascend into heaven to be like the Most High. He was cast down. For 6,000 years mankind, deceived by Satan, has attempted, of his own devices, to do the same...
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
There are countless stories of people being helped in a crisis by an unknown stranger. Could they be angels and if so, what does the Bible have to say about them?
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
The Genesis account of the re-creation and renewal of the earth. The pre-existence of the earth, the angelic realm prior to Genesis 1, the creation and purpose of mankind.
Vertical Thought
by Paul Luecke
If you've explored this question, you've probably encountered conflicting messages—even among those who believe in the Creator. What does the Bible indicate?
United News
Jim Tuck
The Bible reveals that Jesus Christ will return to this earth, and He will bring about a veritable utopia based on love! How will His rulership make it happen?
While the idea of a world government may seem like a modern invention, it has actually been around for thousands of years. It was considered anciently by Babylon and the Egyptians. Interestingly, one proponent of a world government was...
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
When we get the wonderful gifts for which we pray, do we really appreciate them... or abuse them?
