United Church of God


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Total results: 8294.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
While God is the master builder, carrying out a great work within is; we have a part to play in our own spiritual "renovation."
by Brent Fogelson
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Mark 10:15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. What is it about children that we should be like? We are in a growth process but there is more to our spiritual journey...
by Ken Martin
Cincinnati East, OH
God wants us to grow in grace and knowledge. He wants us to have the key of life. We need to seek wisdom from reading the Bible.
by Keith Wilson
Pittsburgh, PA
At certain times of the year, people take stock of their lives and plan to make changes. How do you plan to improve yourself? We have a lifelong need to change and become like our Father in heaven.
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
In our world filled with nagging problems, prayer can change and improve your life.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
No matter where we are spiritually, we can always do better, we can always strive to be more like Jesus Christ.
by Doc White
Roanoke, VA
A review of some areas we need self control and 10 ways we can help improve our self control.
by Howard Nitzberg
Knoxville, TN
There are three main relationships we deal with in our lives: our relationship with one another, with God and with ourselves. How can we improve in each of these relationships?
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
How accurate are your self-assessments? Throughout Paul’s letters to the various churches, he exhorts Christians to analyze their actions. Before we analyze ourselves, however, we must first examine our thinking to be effective. How...
Compass Check
by Kourtney Kovanis
This issue is all about personal development, self-improvement, character growth—you get the idea. There’s a lot in the Bible on this subject (in fact, you could say it’s one of the major themes across the whole book), and the articles in...
by Aaron Booth, Tom Disher, Tory Trone
The Internet team at the United Church of God is always looking for ways to improve our visitor’s experience. Over the past several months we’ve been very busy building something that we think you’ll love! We’re very happy to say the...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik reports on the recent BT recording events at the home office, specifically a new Beyond Today Interview conducted with filmmaker Tim Mahoney. He then concludes the Fruit of the Spirit series...
This week is BT week at the home office and we recorded three new programs, bringing the number of Beyond Today programs to 399. Next month we will record our 400th program! The titles of the programs...
by Len Martin
Columbus, OH
In just a short time, the baptized members will come together to commemorate Jesus Christ's sacrifice as we partake of the Passover. During Jesus' last meal with His disciples, each of them asked if he would be the one to betray Jesus. As...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
On this Fourth of July, Americans are striving for equality. The Bible reveals the true standard of equality.
by Steve Corley
Roanoke, VA
Examples of how people and nations have treated life as a 'zero-sum game' and what has resulted. How we should be on guard from zero-sum behavior.
by Peter Hawkins
The United Kingdom's recent election brings some new faces to the political scene. They must tackle the challenges of running our country's infrastructure, of determining its role as a player on the world stage and of setting our tax...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
A proverb ties in to the benefits of an annual job assessment.
Inside United Podcast
by Gary Petty, Victor Kubik
In Part 2 of their discussion about The Mercy Effect, Gary Petty and Victor Kubik wade deeper into the topic of conflict resolution and how resolving the ultimate conflict can help us improve all of our relationships.
by Frank McCrady
Dayton, OH
Giving yourself a self-evaluation based on Christ's attributes to see how you can improve yourself.
